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EM Event Announcement: Two Wacky EMs Make You Go Get Stuff 08/27/10 at 8:00 pm PST

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Date and Time: Friday August 27th at 8:00 pm PST
Meeting place: Britain Counselor's Hall on the Trammel Facet.
Event Type: Scavenger Hunt
Contact Characters: EM Cyno Razik and EM Kaz


EM Cyno Razik and EM Kaz cordially invite you to attend a scavenger hunt in which you will be required to locate a vast array of items based on clues and hints provided at the start of the event. The first five adventurers to deliver the required items to either EM Cyno Razik or EM Kaz will have their name immortalized in the Rewards Hall.

*Warning* Ale will be served and violent pie fights are likely to ensue.