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EM Event Announcement: Thursday August 12th at 7:30 pm PST

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello everyone! Well I'm ready to get started on my first plotline. Here is all of the information you'll need for the upcoming event:

Date and Time: Thursday August 12th at 7:30 pm PST
Meeting place:Britain Counselor's Hall on the Trammel Facet.
Event Type: PvE focused combat and investigation
Contact Character: Alexander Valthos, former Captain in Lord Blackthorn's Chaos Guard


Alexander Valthos once served loyally as a captain in Lord Blackthorn's Chaos Guard. He was stationed inside Lord Blackthorn's Castle for several years and supervised approximately twenty of Blackthorn's closest and most trusted castle guards. When Lord Blackthorn became corrupted and was eventually defeated, Valthos was unseen for years. Some claimed that he was shamed to have served under Lord Blackthorn in the wake of his corruption, but Valthos himself denies such claims. Instead he insists that he took the opportunity to explore Britannia and partake in adventure, something he saw little of from inside the castle walls.

Now he has suddenly returned to the City of Britain after several years and is beginning to make a name for himself because of his vocal criticism of Queen Dawn. Valthos feels as if certain aspects of the realm have either been overlooked or ignored by Queen Dawn. Specifically he references recent reports that miners have been attacked by Orcs all over Britannia. He has taken it upon himself personally to have these attacks investigated.

If you haven't already read the piece of fiction titled "A Quiet Bunch" please have a look at it. It will help you better understand certain aspects of the event once it takes place on Thursday.

Hope to see you all there!
