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Elga's Shameless Hookup Adventure


Little Sadie

Shameless Hookups. :D Couldn't BoA taken it off right away without even having to conference with that company. Usually fraudelent charges are taken off and you don't need to contact the company. That is ridiculous that it has even gone this far.

What's this about Florida? Going on an adventure? I just booked a last minute trip, well last minute for me, to WDW in June. Can't wait to go! Have a nice trip!


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Well yesterday it was "pending" and didn't post yet. So once it posts, which is did overnight, they can file a claim. But right now I'm talking to Roxy....

But she hasn't said anything else in like 10 minutes..:bored:
I'm tempted to call them back first and see what IP address was recorded for the transaction. Per the Shameless Hookups website, this is done!

Yes the Disney Adventure is only 16 more days away! We leave May 3rd flying out of Baltimore. Staying at my friends parents timeshare at Parkway International. I just had to pay the $180 maintenance fee for the year, but even that is worth it. I get my own bedroom, so I'm down with that. We are doing two days at WDW (Hollywood Studios & Epcot), one day at SeaWorld, and then the other days we just are going to eat a lot, you know how I like to eat..lol Then we fly back on May 10th. Plus they have a Steak N Shake like 5 minutes from our condo! I'm getting all tingly inside just thinkin about it..:dunce:

OK Well another 5 minute past and Roxy isn't talking. I'll keep ya updated!

Little Sadie

Hopefully you get it straight today. If anything I would report my card stolen and get a new number. Whomever used it will certainly try again somewhere else.

Your trip sounds great! I just talked my husband into going to WDW in June. I love driving there every summer but usually don't take him. :p I wasn't going to go at all til our September trip but just can't go more then 6 months without a Disney fix. I wanted to stay at the Wilderness Lodge this time but my daughter wants to try Pop Century. What the hell, she wasn't even born during any of the years the buildings are modeled after! I have no idea why she wants to stay there but that is where we are staying. Honestly, I'll take any trip there even if it means living in a cardboard box on the side of I-4. We aren't doing US. Sticking with 4 parks and Typhoon Lagoon. I love that water park! Whee!!!


Lore Master
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Pop Century looks pretty cool, all of the value resorts look neat. I've been doing my research for weeks. We got the airfare on Southwest for $170 a person, which is fairly good. I was also proud of myself for getting the rental car down to $150 a week for a Mid-Size using promotional codes from MouseSavers. My original rate was like $225, so heck yeah! I wanted to do the water parks, but I still might be able to talk them into it. If anything we get free access to the Liki Tiki Resort as they have a small waterpark. Oh and here is the floorplan of our pad:

I get the double bed room at the front, easy access to sneak out!

Back to Shameless Hookups...
I called BOA for about 45 minutes and finally got to a Dispute Manager who put the charge into Disputes. I'll get a letter within 7-10 days with the information and it could take up to 2 months for resolution. I can disregard the charge though, so yay! The first guy I talked to said that I might have to cancel my card and start over. But my airline tickets are purchased on that card, and I'm sure that would be a pain on itself to get changed around. So I'm just to keep an eye on my account for any charges that I did not make. In the end I get no Shameless Hookup and I don't have to pay! :wall:


Pop century is really cool. I also like staying at the french quarter in port orleans when we go. Have fun with it, even if your old you feel like a 4 year old running around those parks. Stop by in jacksonville for a quick hello on your flight, Im sure the pilot wont mind.

Little Sadie

Wow Elga, that place is huge! I am really leary of staying at any of the values. We usually stay at the Polynesian so this place worries me a bit. I figure we will only be in the room for sleeping so it shouldn't be too bad. When we stay at the Poly we tend to only do the parks a few hours a day. The rest of the day is lounging at the pool and making mulitple trips to the pool bar! For this trip, we will be running non stop all day so no time for too much pool side down time. Make sure to ride Spiderman at US. That is my favorite ride anywhere!


Is it me or does roxy in tech support look like she's 12? Apparently shameless hookups involves underage hookups! No wonder Elga wants that removed though we all know you really did make that purchase. ;)



Lore Master
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Is it me or does roxy in tech support look like she's 12? Apparently shameless hookups involves underage hookups! No wonder Elga wants that removed though we all know you really did make that purchase. ;)

:talktothehand: She typed like a 12 year old too! I wouldn't be surprised by how the company deals with it's so called "customers". Considering the username and password didn't even work, I'm highly doubting the site exists past the splash screen and where they take your money. Here is the Rip Off Report which echos my situation. I will throw this at them if they give me any hassle.

Terri I would have to agree the Pop Century is not in the same league as the Poly, but from what I've read they are at least clean. Check out the reviews and pics from Trip Advisor. I'm sure you'll have a blast! Two weeks from now I'll be there..:danceb:


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And The Shameless Hookup Adventure has come to a conclusion..

*Drum Roll*

I win! Take that foreign companies trying to take my money without my permission. YEAH! :thumbup:


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I just now had time to watch these vids. Every time I tried, I was doing something else at the same time and it wouldn't work because of the low volume.

Congrats Elgs! I knew you'd prevail!

Crazy Fireball

LOL! Im sorry i thought it was funny that someone bought that off your account, but im glad you got it all back!

I love the voice you do as well, it make me laugh really hard, and then when you when talk about the woman from bank of america, "she can be from canida for all i care!"

Lol, im glad that you got your money back.


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Credit Card Lesson of the Day- Pay your bill before a holiday.
I had a bill due on 5/25/09 (Memorial Day), so I paid on Sunday 5/24/09. Hey guess what they didn't get it till 5/26/09. $39 late fee for you! I called and they will give me a courtesy of waiving half. The bill was for $15.00 and I paid them $1500.00. Oh and I was threatened that if I'm late again in the next 12 months they can raise my APR to 28%. Valued card holder since 2004 who has never been late, ever gets late fee and a threat! These credit card companies are animals. So lesson learned, pay your bill before a holiday. :talktothehand:


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I would've told them "with all the offers I've had in the mail, I suppose I could just switch cards since you're being so rude".. bastards


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Yeah! That was the ironic part of the call I failed to mention. After we were through she then goes into the "I see here since you are such a great customer we can offer you another card with a low low interest rate.." The card I have now already has a $18k spending limit. Why in Sams Hill do I need another one! I realize this is how they make money, but they should be bending over backwards for me. I use that card EVERYWHERE (food, gas, you name it). Instead I felt like I was sitting in a First Class seat and they were only offering me peanuts.