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Elder Scrolls Online announced


Grand Poobah
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I'm a little late in this, but i was just reading alot of the discussion with this game.

I dunno if any of you have played the elder scrolls games, particularly Skyrim, but they are amazing sandbox single player games. I've often sat back and wondered, if they took the game and altered it into an mmo, it could possibly be the closest thing to what UO really embodied. The community, the "sandbox" feel.... Take skyrim for instance. The alchemy system is amazing, you can literally walk across the lands, pick up random ingredients and try mixing them with other stuff to see what you get, which promotes alot of exploration. You can hunt particular kinds of animals to get their ingrediants, take their pelts to make leather or clothing... You can keep an eye out for mineral deposites to mine for certain ores. It has many of the same things as a free ranging open world, such as all the crafting elements, enchanting, mining.... you can even purchase houses.

I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this. I love UO and the Elder Scrolls games. If this truly can take the amazing visuals, the amazing open world concept that we all know and love, and blend them together it could be the ultimate MMO. Word has it the skill would be somewhat based on what Skyrim is now with a Guild Wars feel, and the combat would be a mix of elder scrolls style with WoW. The world would be very very UO-like in that you could do or be anything.


Lore Keeper
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Its being developed by Zenimax, not the Bethesda Elder Scrolls team. Granted Zenimax Media has ownership in Bethesda as a publisher, but do not mistake this is not the Elder Scrolls team that is developing this title.

Old news. Prepare for disappointment. They are going to do a quick cash in on the franchise name. That is all.


Lore Master
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Yes, take everything you love about Skyrim and then DON'T put it into ES:Online and that is what they are making.


Its being developed by Zenimax, not the Bethesda Elder Scrolls team. Granted Zenimax Media has ownership in Bethesda as a publisher, but do not mistake this is not the Elder Scrolls team that is developing this title.

Old news. Prepare for disappointment. They are going to do a quick cash in on the franchise name. That is all.
The person in charge of it was the original producer for Dark Age of Camelot, and the Creative Director was a former Lead Designer in UO's early days. I have some faith.

It's been in development since 2007. Not exactly a "quick cash in on the franchise name" since Elder Scrolls wasn't nearly as big in 2007 as it is now. Oblivion had only been out a year when they started it.

More details Elder Scrolls Online Game Informer Details - NeoGAF


Grand Poobah
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The developers of the Elder Scrolls series always proclaim that their goal is to make the best single-player game. To turn a game that focuses only on single-player content into an MMO game means taking away much of that stuff. That's not to say the idea of making TES an MMO is bad but it means you'll be playing a different game (not to mention a step down in graphics). I think the work being done is a good stepping-stone but I'd prefer Bethesda to work on it. If anyone can keep the spirit and uniqueness of the elder scrolls in an MMO platform it would be them.

But I will certainly wait until the final product is released, who knows that will happen :)

Emil Ispep

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I am a big fan of the Elder Scrolls series.. and the Fallout series for that matter too. However, a problem that has plagued ALL Bethesda games is the random freezes, crashes and lock-ups. I dont really have a lot of faith in them anymore. Hell, the very first day I bought and played Skyrim, it locked up and crashed on me before I was even able to customize my character lol.

But for what I was able to enjoy, truely amazing game. But i dont think it will make it as an MMO.


Babbling Loonie
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Zenimax is just looking to cash in on the TES IP. TES: O is basically gonna be a WoW clone with some twists. It's Theme Park, not Sand Box. All the Elder Scrolls single player games, have been Sand Box from the get go. TES II: Daggerfall is when they really began to explore the sandbox aspect. TES series didn't start to get famous until TES III: Morrowind (Bethesda nearly went bankrupt between the development time of Daggerfall and Morrowind, but Zenimax then bought them and funded them). When i first heard that TES: O was officially announced, i was like "**** YEAH!" But then when i learned it was by Zenimax Online and not Bethesda, and then i read the leaked Game Informer article, i was severely dissapointed. It's gonna be an MMORPG based in The Elder Scrolls universe (Tamriel specifically), but it won't look, play, or feel like an Elder Scrolls game.

Old Man of UO

Yes, take everything you love about Skyrim and then DON'T put it into ES:Online and that is what they are making.
That's a pretty good summary of the online game as it was announced. A large part of it will be non-cooperative single person quests, not sandbox at all. And the graphics AREN'T like Skyrim, but a fixed 3rd person 3D view, somewhat like Diablo 3. It wasn't really clear to me, but it seems that the "co-operative" play centers around PvP, non-coop is single person non-PvP. It doesn't sound like any of the quests will be cooperative. It's a year before release, so this could all change.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's a pretty good summary of the online game as it was announced. A large part of it will be non-cooperative single person quests, not sandbox at all. And the graphics AREN'T like Skyrim, but a fixed 3rd person 3D view, somewhat like Diablo 3. It wasn't really clear to me, but it seems that the "co-operative" play centers around PvP, non-coop is single person non-PvP. It doesn't sound like any of the quests will be cooperative. It's a year before release, so this could all change.
You can go into Third Person view in Skyrim (As well as in Morrowind and Oblivion), i actually prefer it. Better situational awareness and you get more of a sense of "impact" when you or your opponent is hit, seeing people stagger around. It's a behind the shoulder view for the most part though (Although you can change that on the PC version), while Diablo 3 is an isometric view (Like UO).
TES: O does have "co-op" dungeons and raids. The monsters though will attack whomever they want, whenever they want. They could be beating on the Warrior in your group, then all of a sudden turn and charge the Mage in your group (Sounds alot like the PvM in Darkfall Online, those monsters go after whomever randomly). They're supposedly trying to break away from the "Tank/Healer/DPS" class roles that most MMORPGs have today.