Sadrith Mora
For any Elder Scrolls fans out there, one great idea i would use to improve UO would be to copy the way armor works. In UO armor doesn't make sense. No difference between leather, studded, chain, or plate. If a piece has the right mods and enough resists, then it's all good, right?
How can we make all of the armor in UO viable? It's not rocket science.
ARMOR DURABILITY: The 'key' to change. There MUST be a 'cap' on armor types to make the difference.
- Leather Armor: Should spawn or be crafted between a minimum of 5 durability up to a cap of 55. (Use powder of fortification to reach it's cap if necessary) The downside to using regular armor should be that it's the weakest of the armor types, and it should also lose it's durability quicker than the others.
- Studded Leather Armor: Cap at 75 durability since it is stronger than regular leather. It should also lose it's durability slower than regular leather due to the extra protection of the studs. (Mage armor now becomes more interesting)
- Chainmail Armor: Need someone with a skilled hammer to craft a quality piece. Chances of crafting 'mage armor' can only be found in those 'special' hammers. A rare mage armor piece may be crafted or found on loot. (if lucky, but rare) The max durability of chainmail should be capped around 150. Durability loss during battle should be a lower % than studded leather.
- Platemail Armor: The supreme armor type. The durability cap is 255. The minimum durability is 155 whether crafted or looted. Durability loss during battle is low. You can fight 'til the cows come home (so to speak)
* Platemail issues:
- Weight issues (obvious)
- No blacksmith can craft a 'mage armor' platemail piece with any type of hammer, whatever the skill. Can only be found on loot if extremely lucky.
- All platemail armor pieces should have high physical resists whether crafted or looted. The other resists depend on other factors.
General Armor Issues:
- The potential loss of durability while repairing remains in effect for all armor types.
- If any armor piece becomes 0 durability during battle, there is a 25% chance the piece will be destroyed on the spot.
- Any armor piece that becomes 0 durability will subtract it's resistances from your total resists making you more vulnerable during battle.
What this does is add a logical way to make all armor types viable instead of having resists alone determine what armor piece is best. Durability is the key to that change. Having a cap on armor types not only makes sense, but can help make all armor types have value again in different ways.
The horrific practice of Necromancy should be banned from Trammel. If anyone wishes to practice this evil magic, they will be sent straight to Felucca if they exceed the warning.
- If your 'real skill' of Necromancy exceeds 50.0 while in Trammel, you will be teleported to Britain bank in Felucca. If the skill remains, you will not be able to return to Trammel on that character.
- If your 'real skill' of Necromancy exceeds 100.0 while in Felucca, you will be flagged 'red' due to your continued practice of this evil.
- New books about the practice of Necromancy will be added to the libraries of Trammel and Felucca for those interested in this dark magic.
Good vs. Evil is what this game is about anyway. Characters that pursue this dark art should be sent to the appropriate place to practice it. (Felucca) Might also give more reason for people to play on the Felucca side as well...
- The libraries need more books about the history of Ultima. So much could be written for new players to help them with what has happened, and what is currently going on. (Nothing better than in-game material to browse while playing)
- Add appropriate books to the libraries. The Elder Scrolls series does a fantastic job creating interesting lore for their games. It can be very engrossing and helpful for new players and vets as well.
Make these changes and UO becomes a better and more interesting game.
How can we make all of the armor in UO viable? It's not rocket science.
ARMOR DURABILITY: The 'key' to change. There MUST be a 'cap' on armor types to make the difference.
- Leather Armor: Should spawn or be crafted between a minimum of 5 durability up to a cap of 55. (Use powder of fortification to reach it's cap if necessary) The downside to using regular armor should be that it's the weakest of the armor types, and it should also lose it's durability quicker than the others.
- Studded Leather Armor: Cap at 75 durability since it is stronger than regular leather. It should also lose it's durability slower than regular leather due to the extra protection of the studs. (Mage armor now becomes more interesting)
- Chainmail Armor: Need someone with a skilled hammer to craft a quality piece. Chances of crafting 'mage armor' can only be found in those 'special' hammers. A rare mage armor piece may be crafted or found on loot. (if lucky, but rare) The max durability of chainmail should be capped around 150. Durability loss during battle should be a lower % than studded leather.
- Platemail Armor: The supreme armor type. The durability cap is 255. The minimum durability is 155 whether crafted or looted. Durability loss during battle is low. You can fight 'til the cows come home (so to speak)
* Platemail issues:
- Weight issues (obvious)
- No blacksmith can craft a 'mage armor' platemail piece with any type of hammer, whatever the skill. Can only be found on loot if extremely lucky.
- All platemail armor pieces should have high physical resists whether crafted or looted. The other resists depend on other factors.
General Armor Issues:
- The potential loss of durability while repairing remains in effect for all armor types.
- If any armor piece becomes 0 durability during battle, there is a 25% chance the piece will be destroyed on the spot.
- Any armor piece that becomes 0 durability will subtract it's resistances from your total resists making you more vulnerable during battle.
What this does is add a logical way to make all armor types viable instead of having resists alone determine what armor piece is best. Durability is the key to that change. Having a cap on armor types not only makes sense, but can help make all armor types have value again in different ways.
The horrific practice of Necromancy should be banned from Trammel. If anyone wishes to practice this evil magic, they will be sent straight to Felucca if they exceed the warning.
- If your 'real skill' of Necromancy exceeds 50.0 while in Trammel, you will be teleported to Britain bank in Felucca. If the skill remains, you will not be able to return to Trammel on that character.
- If your 'real skill' of Necromancy exceeds 100.0 while in Felucca, you will be flagged 'red' due to your continued practice of this evil.
- New books about the practice of Necromancy will be added to the libraries of Trammel and Felucca for those interested in this dark magic.
Good vs. Evil is what this game is about anyway. Characters that pursue this dark art should be sent to the appropriate place to practice it. (Felucca) Might also give more reason for people to play on the Felucca side as well...
- The libraries need more books about the history of Ultima. So much could be written for new players to help them with what has happened, and what is currently going on. (Nothing better than in-game material to browse while playing)
- Add appropriate books to the libraries. The Elder Scrolls series does a fantastic job creating interesting lore for their games. It can be very engrossing and helpful for new players and vets as well.
Make these changes and UO becomes a better and more interesting game.