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[Selling] Ecru Rings on GL



So I used about 950 Ecru Citrines and selling off my Rings:

Fire 14, DCI7, Night Sight, EP50
HCI6, DCI2, FCR2, Fire4, EP50
Fencing 5, HCI11, Cold9, EP50
HCI8, FCR1, Phy5, Ene5, EP50
FCR1, EP50 x2
Eval 10, FC1, EP50
RS7, Dex3, DI6, Ene6, EP50
FC1, Cold6, Phy1, DCI2, EP50
LMC3, LRC6, Cold14, Poison7, EP50
Mace5, FCR2, EP50
Str7, DCI7, Discord6, EP50
Int4, HCI5, Ene8, EP50

These last 2 dont have EP50 but decent stats.
FCR2, Str5, LMC3, LRC9, Poison7
HCI11, DCI10, Str7, FCR1