Assuming you folks keep Europa safe by clearing away the nasty demons that seem to be popping up lately, we plan to start season 2 of the ECL on Monday, 9 August, start 8PM UK time!
A slight shift of venue, literally a few steps away from the old arena, as shown here (thanks to Mapper's new artwork):
Hopefully we'll have a few more fully trained competitors appearing in the new season, although I'm keeping a stable of slightly less veteran fighters, so anybody who brings along a potential champion can find an opponent give them a fair - and hopefully exciting - fight.
As before, we're taking bets on winners - max amount of 50k, in increments of 10k, if you bet on the winner you get your stake back plus a matching amount from our funds, so you can end up rich (well, in the UO economy maybe 'slightly better off' is more accurate) as well as having an fun hour or so!
Since we're in Trammel, we still need to join owners and their potential fighters to the ECL Guild so the birds can actually fight - remember to let your guildmates know if you plan to 'defect' temporarily for an evening, and maybe even get a few of them to come along and bet on your pet as well, or even set up a 'guild stable for them to support
You're completely free to leave ECL as soon as your matches are over and rejoin your real guild, it's just something we need to do to get around the current restrictions on fighting in Trammel. Fiddly, but given the potential problems in moving the events to Fel, it's the best solution we can offer for now.
See you on the 9th!
A slight shift of venue, literally a few steps away from the old arena, as shown here (thanks to Mapper's new artwork):

Hopefully we'll have a few more fully trained competitors appearing in the new season, although I'm keeping a stable of slightly less veteran fighters, so anybody who brings along a potential champion can find an opponent give them a fair - and hopefully exciting - fight.
As before, we're taking bets on winners - max amount of 50k, in increments of 10k, if you bet on the winner you get your stake back plus a matching amount from our funds, so you can end up rich (well, in the UO economy maybe 'slightly better off' is more accurate) as well as having an fun hour or so!
Since we're in Trammel, we still need to join owners and their potential fighters to the ECL Guild so the birds can actually fight - remember to let your guildmates know if you plan to 'defect' temporarily for an evening, and maybe even get a few of them to come along and bet on your pet as well, or even set up a 'guild stable for them to support
See you on the 9th!