Back again, as always at the O*T Arena west of Zento
Current league placings :
2 Points : Valoria's Own Liza, Auric, Frosty, Ashan, Sakura
1 Point : Featherstorm, Tenebra, Goldie Locks, Noir, Nugget, Dryad, Streetfighter, Shadow, Lyra, Shian
Everyone welcome, bring your fighters, or come to watch and maybe bet on the outcomes!

Current league placings :
2 Points : Valoria's Own Liza, Auric, Frosty, Ashan, Sakura
1 Point : Featherstorm, Tenebra, Goldie Locks, Noir, Nugget, Dryad, Streetfighter, Shadow, Lyra, Shian
Everyone welcome, bring your fighters, or come to watch and maybe bet on the outcomes!