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EC client on Win XP X64?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been trying to install it for months, every time there's a patch I try again. Here's the recent log, can anyone shed any light?
[2010/03/26 11:12:02] libpatchclient initialized.
[2010/03/26 11:12:02] Currently running as [C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\uopatch.exe]
[2010/03/26 11:12:02] Currently running as [C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\uopatch.exe]
[2010/03/26 11:12:03] Notification of restart with alternate filename
[2010/03/26 11:12:03] libpatchclient initialized.
[2010/03/26 11:12:03] Currently running as [C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\uopatch.bin]
[2010/03/26 11:12:04] Nothing to patch for [EAMythic Patcher]
[2010/03/26 11:12:46] Patch size is 1974762255
[2010/03/26 11:12:55] Decompression failed for remote file [base/unpacked/062362b1a373aa2a].
[2010/03/26 11:12:57] Decompression failed for remote file [base/unpacked/0f5c332439b1bc2f].
[2010/03/26 11:13:03] Data check failed for remote file [base/unpacked/368cfd7a32fdb624].
[2010/03/26 11:13:04] Decompression failed for remote file [base/unpacked/d5ec673504887ff7].
[2010/03/26 11:13:19] Decompression failed for remote file [base/unpacked/f51aa9700d765d26].
[2010/03/26 11:13:19] Failed to update unpacked files for [uo-test-rel.prod].
[2010/03/26 11:13:19] Failed to patch stage [main].
[2010/03/26 11:13:19] Failed to patch main product.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been trying to install it for months, every time there's a patch I try again. Here's the recent log, can anyone shed any light?
The obvious first question - are you running the program as administrator?

And from the log, it looks like you have a patch file that's been corrupted.

Question - with that log file, have you already downloaded the patch? Are you starting completely from scratch (just downloaded the original program from EA)? That patch size being reported is just shy of 2gb - quite a lot for 01:17 minutes of activity.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had it installed, then it wouldn't patch. I tried several times then uninstalled hoping to start again. I've never managed to get it installed.
I've never done 'run as adminstrator' this is XP, not Vista or Windows 7.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had it installed, then it wouldn't patch. I tried several times then uninstalled hoping to start again. I've never managed to get it installed.
I've never done 'run as adminstrator' this is XP, not Vista or Windows 7.
I just upgraded to W7 x64 from XP 64 - there were a few programs (notably older ones) that required they be run in admin mode. UO wasn't on the list (I didn't start back until after the OS change). You may also want to try to run it in compatibility mode (either XP 32bit or Win98 mode - probably the latter). As much as I liked XP, the 64bit version had some issues with gaming that didn't exist with the 32 bit version - enough so that I actually ended up setting up a dual-boot system.

So that would be my suggestion - either admin mode, or more likely for success, Win98 compat mode.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have now tried:
compatability XP
Compatability win 98
As admin, no compatability set
as admin, compatability xp
as admin, compatability win 98

It doesn't want me to play EC. I can play Classic with a clear conscience :D