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EC crashing a lot


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been using the EC for a year and this is the most crash-prone build I've seen in that time (at least for me). It seems to crash on me 3-4 times a day now, whereas other builds crashed much less. I will be doing something and then suddenly, the window closes (sometimes Windows intercepts a "stopped working" message from the client. Unfortunately, sometimes it crashes in bad places and I find myself inevitably dead.

Is anyone else having more than the usual number of crashes with the release?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been getting that a lot lately as well. At least twice a session. For some reason it happens almost every time I enter my house.

Prior to the last patch I never crashed. Not even once and I've been using the EC exclusively for well over a year now.