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EA Suspends Ad Campaign For SimCity 5 And NO REFUNDS!


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you surprised? I am not. EA should make the song"Oops I did it again" from Britney Spears their new anthem. I really like how EA side stepped their refund policy by putting it on EA Origin.

Ultima Online players have been dealing and many other EA MMO's titled games have been dealing with such issues already on refunds and now lets add their latest glitch SimCity5. I bet many will dispute their credit cards and bank cards and EA will have to deal with the fallout.

From GameBreakertv

EA Suspends Ad Campaign For SimCity 5 And NO REFUNDS!

Written by: Tori McGrath (@ToriMcGrath) | March 8, 2013 2:08 pm

EA is stopping all ads for SimCity 5

The launch of SimCity 5 has been messy to say the least. Yesterday we reported on some of the steps being taken to smooth out server and download issues. But while things are being fixed EA is trying its best to calm things down by removing as much marketing as possible. The games publisher sent out an email this morning asking all affiliates to stop marketing campaigns “until further notice”

Here is the message in full:

“Hello Affiliates,

EA Origin has requested to pause all SimCity marketing campaigns temporarily, until further notice. We have deactivated all SimCity text links and creative and we ask you to please remove any copy promoting SimCity from your website for the time-being. To be clear we are continuing to payout commissions on all SimCity sales that are referred, however we are requesting that you please stop actively promoting the game. We will notify you as soon as the SimCity marketing campaigns have been resumed and our promotional links are once again live in the Linkshare interface. We apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause, and we thank you for your cooperation.”

LinkShare is a marketing-affiliate network that connects companies like EA with web outlets that would show text or image ads. If a user then uses one of those ads to buy a product, the website gets a share of the cash.

The email refers to multiple campaigns that EA is suspending.
SimCity’s broken because it’s just too much fun!

Game developers are still working hard to add servers as fast as they can.

Electronic Arts spokesperson, Kip Katsarelis posted a large forum post on the matter of server capacity and what steps are being taken to make accommodations.

Server capacity is our biggest obstacle. We launched in North America on Tuesday and our servers filled up within a matter of hours.”
she went on to explain that SimCity‘s notoriously awful DRM setbacks are a result of the game being just too enjoyable to quit!

What we saw was that players were having such a good time they didn’t want to leave the game, which kept our servers packed and made it difficult for new players to join, We added more servers to accommodate the launch in Australia and Japan, and then more yesterday to accommodate the launch in Europe. As of right now, we are adding even more servers which will be going live over the next three days. And, our plan is to continue to bring more servers online until we have enough to meet the demand, increase player capacity and let more people through the gates and into the game…

Earlier today, we released a patch that temporarily cut off some features including leaderboards, achievements and Cheetah Speed to reduce data stress on the servers and effectively free up space so that we can let more people into the game. These are great features that we’re proud of and we’ll turn them back on soon, but our number one priority is to bring stability to our servers. This update also resolved some of the bugs and issues that have been frustrating players. You can read all about it at http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/9341807.page

A spokesperson for EA’s Origin digital-distribution service previously told people they could request a refund, but now EA is backpedaling on this. The publisher is now referring everyone who asks for their money back to its return policy, which states that EA does not offer refunds for any product downloaded on Origin.

On March 5, EA global community manager for Origin Marcel Hatam posted a message to the SimCity forums that points gamers to the service’s help page.
“If you regrettably feel that we let you down, you can — of course — request a refund for your order at http://help.origin.com/contact-us,” wrote Hatam. “Though we are currently still in the process of resolving this issue.”

Hatam since amended the post to refer users to the aforementioned return policy.
Yesterday we heard all kinds of rumors about refunds for SimCity 5. Some said there were absolutely no possible refunds while a number of reddit users reported that they were able to receive refunds as long as EA was contacted directly.

EA was reportedly giving refunds as recently as yesterday afternoon. Some of the more recent posts on that thread now report that Origin customer service representatives claim that their hands are tied on the matter.

A rumor popped up not soon after that claimed EA was banning players from Origin if they requested a refund. The publisher is denying this; however, customers that dispute the charge with their credit-card company will likely be banned for making a fraudulent purchase on Origin.

Hopefully EA can get issues all sorted out and figure out some way to calm down the player base as the game looks amazing. I personally would like to go out and buy it… but I’m not going to hold my breath.
Keep an eye out as we will be keeping you posted as news comes in on the progression of SimCity 5

EA has posted their first update blog on SimCity 5 which can be read in full below or on the site here.
The blog post talks in mare detail about the addition of servers and other changes.
