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EA should just legalize speedhacking

  • Thread starter imported_dukarlo
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  • Watchers 0


I think maybe EA should just legalize speedhacking. They do not enforce the rules when it comes to speeedhacking so why should the players that so far have refrained from cheating continue to be at such a huge disadvantage? PVP is currently in such a state that those that dont speedhack will never be able to keep up with players that are unnaturaly fast. Currently anytime you dump on a speedhacker you will never be able to kill that person because that person always has the option of speeding offscreen to avoid death and they almost always choose this option. You add the auto chuggers and any of a wide array of scripts players are using and pvp has become completely pointless for any legitmate player. I say EA should either once again start to ban cheaters on a regular basis or ok the use of these cheats. As it is now any changes EA makes to pvp is comepletely irrelevant until the cheating is addressed one way or another.


I must be getting just too old, because I can't figure out why people would use the speedhack. It just seems lame to me.


Its very lame, but the fact is people are using them and those numbers are growing daily. Anyone that plays GL knows the difference between a moonth ago and now. EA needs to do something one way or another.


I know what you mean.

I wish they'd figure something better out with the client-server implementation so that everyone can run at full speed. This whole thing where, if you have a high ping, or you are not speedhacking, you get to watch someone who is ON FOOT outrun you WHILE YOU ARE MOUNTED - - - IT SUCKS!

Sometimes I cannot even keep up with their ghosts as they run off to get rezzed, damn!

They can run so fast that they can cast huge spells like flamestrike and actually keep up with you. Its kinda unacceptable.

I'd take drastic client options that make the graphics of UO oversimplified if it sped up my game speed and let me keep up with the speedhackers! I'll play it with the entire display in ASCII if it evens the playing field!!!!!



Duk, you fight the good fight, but is pointless. EA and co(devs) suck in this particular department....either ineptitude or they couldnt care less could be the reasons, probably a mix of both more likely.

So im going to have to say hack away Duk, EA and co(devs) do not care about the quality of their work, nor do they have any integrity, and their silence on the boards/in game is actually ENCOURAGING people to hack away

So Duk, im going to have to say use it, because noone cares, noone has cared and noone is going to care

ps Great Lakes has turned into a cesspool of hacking idiots, I throw up in my mouth a little bit everytime I see the state that this game is in when dealing with hackers

pps I hope Warhammer Online fking dies a premature death due to karma



Sadly, I don't see EA doing much to go after scripters, hackers, speeders etc.

It's just a business thing. WoW, EQ and the other more modern MMOs are just too much competition.

EA would be committing financial suicide on this project if they started busting ppl / booting customers. 5-10 years ago when UO was hot this was the case but today with the fairly low customer base, it's just a bad business decision.

That being said, if you can't beat'em then join em. :-/

Yenji Yasagari

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Uhhh, I have a better question. WHY are you outrunning a flamestrike, as opposed to just, you know, using one of hundreds of healing methods that are faster. I can fit in 4 mini-heals or cure and g heal in the time it takes to cast one, jeez, unless your fire is low, thats your problem on bad tactics. And as my sig implies, I am dialup STILL.


I've never understood how someone can take satisfaction in killing someone if they have to cheat in order to do it.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's just sad to have to cheat on a video game. I mean they must be the worst players in the world. I bet pacman owns them. Thats why they have to cheat.



I've never understood how someone can take satisfaction in killing someone if they have to cheat in order to do it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nor I. I've come to the conclusion that cheaters just don't have the brains to realize cheating is self-defeating. If you're using cheats to beat someone you're just admitting their superiority.

Lazarus Cain

hacking is a huge problem on LS as well
i spent my uo youth in felucca before trammel even existed and we could fight against one another or with one another as we saw fit
we didnt worry about the next arty we could get cuz there really werent any
it was about skill ...and it was about honor
neither of which has meaning when a player hacks another to kill him/her or steal from her/him
it directly relates to the 'heart' of the person involved
it says who they are, or are not, when such a violation occurs

i played ultima one and every ultima since
the storyline hooked me
its something i bet we all dream of in rl
well some do i guess; dream of a world governed by justice and honor
a place where even the weak can flourish if he/she has a pure heart
its a world crazily close to right outside your door
and we sit here in a room with a keyboard and mouse and i know some are strong in real life and some are weak and none of that shows here
the only thing that shows in uo is your 'heart'
and either you have love in it, or you have hate
same as it ever was
i choose to not hurt others by hacking them or hating myself so badly that i dont even know the dif between good or bad
but of course life is a balance in rl as in uo
so we are gonna have the bad
but to give them a hacker's advantage is only bad for the game when it comes right down to dollar issues


As far as I know, most of the speed hacking programs are designed to only speed you up if you are on dial up to a level that is compatible with being on cable. Using them when you are on cable can have permanant issues on your computer. Normally, a decent computer setup and a good cable modem will make you move faster then a speed hack program will anyways.

It is funny how people have complained about speed hackers for the last 8 years. In that time PvP has still been somewhat competitive. Everytime someone loses in PvP it has to be the speed hack or the other third party program used by the other player that is to blame. It couldn't possibly be that you were having an off day or a slew of off days...simply put everyone believes that everytime they lose in PvP the other person has to be cheating because they can't possibly be better. I know life is going that direction with second place being just as good as first in sporting events now and the teams that suck the least actually winning games, but try to remember the 1950s when if you lost it simply meant you weren't as good as the person that won and you got over it.