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EA Phone Number for Hacked account


Seasoned Veteran
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I need the support number. friends account is getting hacked right now. they hacked her email

Foolio the Bard


ever heard of this new invention called "google"?



Seasoned Veteran
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that one doesnt work. it has set hours we need the 24 hour number


Seasoned Veteran
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there is. i cant remember it. another friend had to use it before. the cust support number is worthless. we tried that before posting

Foolio the Bard

there is. i cant remember it. another friend had to use it before. the cust support number is worthless. we tried that before posting
A google search turns up this:

EA Tech support
PC – 650-628-1905
Console – 650-628-4322
Online – 866-543-5435

But no idea if they are 24/7 or not.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I wish you good luck. If your computer is hacked you have bigger issues than a game. If you gave your info to some one else... your trust was misplaced.


Seasoned Veteran
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Yeah, I think she has called all of their numbers now. We found about 8 different ones and none are 24 hours. Thanks people.

Her email was hacked is the biggest issue. I told her that.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm so sorry this happened. It's a horrible feeling.

What I always found odd is that when one person gets hacked it seems a lot of people get hacked around the same time. When I got hacked last year there were several other people hacked too.

I hope you get it fixed before they get everything. I just happen to be up when it happened to me. They took a lot but they didn't have time to take it all. Plus they got eight of my accounts so they had only been through four of them before I caught it. They left my poor characters stripped at the inn in skara brea. They didn't take my houses but they wiped out anything worth anything in the houses they got too.

When you get your account back I will be more then happy to help you out getting your stuff back again. If they took your house I have an 18x18 I will give you. I don't have a lot of gold but I will give you what I can.



Babbling Loonie
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I've been there too. My email was hacked specifically to get into my UO accounts. I ran into the same problem and afterwards, Spada told me I should have been able to get through to account support 24/7/365. I don't know if the routing issue ever got cleared up though. They should release a specific phone number for 24 hour account support which bypasses Tech Support (which is only open during daylight hours).


I wonder how many people that say they were hacked have given their account/password info to friends/former friends. Many of us have never had a problem.

Live and learn.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder how many people that say they were hacked have given their account/password info to friends/former friends. Many of us have never had a problem.

Live and learn.
Nobody had my email info and I got hacked. When you get hacked, you'll live and learn too.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder how many people that say they were hacked have given their account/password info to friends/former friends. Many of us have never had a problem.

Live and learn.
Nobody had my email info and I got hacked. When you get hacked, you'll live and learn too.
Same here. I have never given a friend my account name or password because you never know when you might get in a fight and they could screw you over.

I sure wouldn't have gave them eight accounts (two of them my husbands), and one of the accounts had been closed for almost a year.

I didn't have a problem for eight years. I thought it would never happen to me and when it did it was a horrible sick feeling.


Well then I apologize for thinking most "hacks" are caused by people who personally knew the account info.

Other than the previous statement.. you either have enemies or a weak email provider, or a weak EA/BioWare support staff.

Neutron Bomb

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Well then I apologize for thinking most "hacks" are caused by people who personally knew the account info.

Other than the previous statement.. you either have enemies or a weak email provider, or a weak EA/BioWare support staff.
An idiot can hack your account. All it takes is knowing your e-mail address which is a very common thing to give out nowadays, and then know the answer to a security question. Doesn't matter if your password is 30 characters long.

Stop being so condescending Einstein.


An idiot can hack your account. All it takes is knowing your e-mail address which is a very common thing to give out nowadays, and then know the answer to a security question. Doesn't matter if your password is 30 characters long.

Stop being so condescending Einstein.
My security question answer is as bad as my password. Stop being so reliant on a password and pick a better security question answer, neanderthal.


Well then I apologize for thinking most "hacks" are caused by people who personally knew the account info.

Other than the previous statement.. you either have enemies or a weak email provider, or a weak EA/BioWare support staff.
Or you have idiot people who work for your e-mail provider who give out your password when all they are given is a birthdate, nothing else, for verification/security purposes.

To the person being hacked, I hope everything turns out okay for you. As someone already posted, it's a sick horrible feeling you get when you realize you are being hacked and there's little that you can do about it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can't find a 24hr line, but email/web-based support is 24hr.


Email them, wait for auto-response, email again and tell them to suspend the account immediately.

Alternatively, if pw hasn't been changed, change the UO and email pw, then login to the char that's being hacked. This will kick the hacker's connection.

Changing the pw will buy you some time to change your UO email to a different address.

Emma Silvermane

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I just wanted to thank all the amazing people that assisted in this issue tryin to get gms and phone numbers for me .. this has been an expirence to say the least .. never know what its like till it happens to u .. ive managed with the help of my guild and some outside friends to recoop most of what was lost .. in a short period .. I still stumble on things i know are missing or arent where they were .. but ive got the needed pieces to play... thanks to my rbg family and my friends outside the guild you know who you are and i luvs ya alll ..I truly am the lucky one with amazing people around me .. Luv Emma Silvermane


Grand Poobah
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An idiot can hack your account. All it takes is knowing your e-mail address which is a very common thing to give out nowadays, and then know the answer to a security question. Doesn't matter if your password is 30 characters long.

Stop being so condescending Einstein.
I would have gotten an infraction for this..to stay on topic. I"ve played 11 years, never been hacked. And I've used worthless junk like ICQ and such...anyone who's been hacked more than likely gave personal info to a "UO Friend". It happens all the time...don't do it..


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
My security question answer is as bad as my password. Stop being so reliant on a password and pick a better security question answer, neanderthal.
Iwhbgaihipt..but to stay on topic, please see my other posting....


...anyone who's been hacked more than likely gave personal info to a "UO Friend". It happens all the time...don't do it..
It really irritates me when people lump everyone into the same category and say things they really have NO idea about.

Yes some people fall into this category but NOT everyone.


Lore Master
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in 12 years i have never been hacked i have always used a ISP based e-mail just for my game accounts. never use free (yahoo,g-mail,hotmail exc.exc) e-mail providers for your account's make random passwords like I8Hj9g7U5rf, numbers, uppercase and lower case letters mixed. Keep good virus protection (nortons is not good if ur a gamer) and a good firewall or 2 or 3.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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You shouldn't blame the customers for being hacked, EA is who needs to be blamed regardless of how careless or not a person might be with their account info. If EA actually cared about their customers getting hacked, then it wouldn't be a big deal, however EA has a horrible customer service. Their policy with items lost is that they won't be replaced.... if they were smart they would just track the items on every players account at every server maintenance and if these items were taken then they should be able to go onto the hackers account, take them back and perma ban the hackers account, it really should not be difficult but they are so neglectant to help their customers.... uo should be like $5 bucks a month considering how poorly the players are treated when they actually need serious help


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Again not true. I was on LS when I got hacked.
And I was on chesapeake.

And no there weren't any friends that had my info. I sure wouldn't have gave anyone my husbands accounts. And who would give someone info to eight accounts one which had been closed for almost a year. How they hacked me I will never know especially since some of the accounts had different emails and passwords.

But even if someone has the worse password in the world that doesn't give anyone the right to take what isn't theirs.


Seasoned Veteran
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when i got hacked, they never got in my email addy. was a keylogger i later found :(

but thankfully i was just gettin on the game at the time, so i was able to have a guild mate, page a gm & freeze my acct til i could get ahold of ea & get it fixed. out of 5 accts 3 where stripped clean :(


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It really irritates me when people lump everyone into the same category and say things they really have NO idea about.

Yes some people fall into this category but NOT everyone.
Thats why I said "more than likely", that way I"m not lumping everyone in. And fyi for ya, no on in UO has ever been "hacked"..only compromised...If I sneak into your house and find your username/password written in a book (and yes, this has happened in UO many times) and I log in with that info...you weren't hacked...you were stupid...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats why I said "more than likely", that way I"m not lumping everyone in. And fyi for ya, no on in UO has ever been "hacked"..only compromised...If I sneak into your house and find your username/password written in a book (and yes, this has happened in UO many times) and I log in with that info...you weren't hacked...you were stupid...
While that would be really stupid to write your info in a book (which is hard to believe anyone would do that) that still does not give you the right to log onto an account that doesn't belong to you. If your not the one paying the bill you have no right to the things on that account.


Seasoned Veteran
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You would think people wouldn't do these things with their passwords, but they do.

Even in a medical environment, where HIPAA regulations are to be followed, I still find the sticky notes with passwords under the keyboard, in the pencil drawer, sometimes even out on the desk in plain sight. All of these employees have been taught about security and such, and repeatedly reminded not to do these sorts of things. I try to be kind and personable about it too (at least the first few times), hoping that will help the person want to comply, but sometimes these behaviors continue no matter what you do.

Seeing as how those behaviors are at the workplace, you can just imagine how some would be with their personal passwords at home!


. . . And fyi for ya, no on in UO has ever been "hacked"..only compromised...
I think you are completely and totally incorrect in this statement. However, it appears that you think, for whatever reason, that you are right and everyone else is wrong so I will simply agree to disagree with you on this issue.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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]If I sneak into your house and find your username/password written in a book ]
Excuse me? "Sneaking" into someone's house and stealing something is against the law. It only makes you a thief, not the victim stupid.

Nothing is "hacking" by your definition because everything boils down to exploiting a weakness left by someone's stupidity, whether it may be a Microsoft programmer or the victim.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Excuse me? "Sneaking" into someone's house and stealing something is against the law. It only makes you a thief, not the victim stupid.

Nothing is "hacking" by your definition because everything boils down to exploiting a weakness left by someone's stupidity, whether it may be a Microsoft programmer or the victim.
YOUR UO HOUSE TOMAS, YOUR UO HOUSE.....yeah I go around condoning B&E in RL...


YOUR UO HOUSE TOMAS, YOUR UO HOUSE.....yeah I go around condoning B&E in RL...
I would have taken it as in real, of course then I don't see a reason to think people would write their password and account name down in game >.>. But I guess this is better than the original thought.