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Dunno if this is worth anthing


Cherie XX

I got a full set of sigil armor.. Chain mail tunic and legs Ring mail gloves and arms... and a helmet and a platemail gorget all made by the same crafter John Henry.. The gorget is made by Zenmuron.. Is this worth anything? Also have extra chain tunic and legs made by crafters.. Sigil Sandies and more


Yep depending on the tag on the armor sigil suits and items are worth a decent amount of gold.

I sold a few pieces off that were just normal post aos tags for 500k a piece. If you had old "Made by" or [exceptional] things I would see it being worth a lot more.

If you had double (blessed) in yellow sandals that were sigil I remember some people were paying 20mil or so for one a few months back. Don't know if they ever found it or not.


Hang onto it, should only get rarer. Anything *not* dye-able with a leather, regular or furniture dye tub is worth a couple hundred k at least. I've seen shields commonly for 50k but other things are more.