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Dual Announcements, Of Time and Departures

EM Kasaven

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, everyone.

First I’ll speak of what is to come in our near future. I’ll be holding an event on Sunday, June 12th. The time is TBD, look for fiction and a time in an upcoming post. It deals with altering time and space, so there will be a few surprises in store *grins.*

However, I’m afraid it will be my final event as Catskills Event Moderator. Without going too far into detail, this summer I’m close to graduating from college, I’ve solidified an internship into my field, and my time is waning too thin at the moment to provide Catskills with the amount and quality of events that it deserves. With that in mind, I decided it would be best to resign and leave you in Barnaby’s able hands, and the up and coming hands of your new moderator.

It has certainly been a ride to remember. This winter would mark my third year as Catskill’s Event Moderator, and to say it has been a pleasure would be an understatement. The quality of people I’ve met along the way, both within the EM program and among the player base, has been remarkable. From our first event where I was rescued from Sea Sirens, to Owain Surrey’s death, and everything in between, have all been great experiences, even if they entailed quite a bit of hard work along the way. It was worth it.

Along the way you may see EM Adris out and about, he will be working along EM Barnaby, so be sure to give him a warm welcome. Hope to see you all once more before I go seeking Lord British. Maybe you’ll see me again someday.

Your EM,



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Kasaven!

I'm sorry to see you go, you sure did some great work for the Catskills shard! Your commitment and your ideas will not be forgotten.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it to your last event. I wish I would have had the opportunity to say good-bye to you in person. As you may have heard, I have left the lands of Sosaria and my subscription has run out 2 weeks ago. I wish you good luck for the future. Who knows, maybe our paths will cross again some day...

Safe travels!
Hawkeye Pike


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congrats Kas on building a future!


Does that mean my death certificate for you will be real now? (and you'll explain why your grip stinks?)

*sobs bitterly*

...Oh... wait... I'm retiring too.

It's been great fun mate, especially turning Red Skull Bay into a pit of destruction and the conversations leading up to that event. You will be fondly remembered!

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations and best of luck in your life ahead. May your future be ever brighter.

Thank you so much for all you have done for the Catskills community. You will be long remembered and greatly missed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will miss EM Kasaven more than most of you know. For not only was he an outstanding EM who served with humor, grace and a huge imagination that provided many thrilling, and of course deadly events, plotted out by his evil mind, but he was a friend to me. I liked him as a person from the first time I met him. I may of interacted with him more than most player on Catskills because I was one of the Stratics shard reporters so I got to know more than the public Kasaven.

I knew the thoughtful Kasaven who really did care about our shard and what the players wanted.

I knew the Kasaven that wanted feedback from me on shard EM events and how the players of the shard felt about it. So he could plan events that he hoped would be enjoyed by the vast majority of players.
I knew the Kasaven that did not have an eye for decorating and yet tried his best to make Luna special for everyone at Christmas. He took the teasing and orders from females on how to decorate with a smile and the patience of a saint.

When the cities were being invaded Kasaven came and joined the defenders rallying everyone to victory.

I drove Kasaven and Mesanna nuts trying to get the fairgrounds built and I am sure they just loved my visits to see what progress they made. Still Kasaven took the time when I visited to show me what was new that they built that day and to ask my thoughts on it.

He may kill me for this story but I am telling it anyway. (After all how many times has he already killed me at EM events already?) When Kas first started as an EM the Role Players were holding a meeting at the tavern in Skara. Kas knew I was going to be there and he said he may stop by. Well I was sitting at a full table in the tavern drinking ale and chatting to friends. When “woosh!” I pop into a room across town and there is Kasaven. He just looked at me and said “Sorry! I meant to come to where you were.” I just laughed about it and told him no problem. I had to run back to my friends and tell them I was kidnapped by the gods, and they just looked at me like I was nuts.

So the Catskills shard may be losing the best EM there is, but I am losing a close friend that I enjoyed chatting to, and who enjoyed way to much killing me.

EM Kasaven

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well folks, for a variety of reasons, partly within and mostly outside my control, I can't hold my Sunday event. It's a shame I won't have a proper in-game goodbye (I think I'm still up, though, so you may catch me at the very end of Adris' meet and greet after you've all gotten an opportunity to get to know him.)

I haven't taken my time here for granted, I've had the opportunity to meet an amazing player-base and I'll never forget all of the experiences. To Hawkeye, Farsight, and Aedon, who are moving on from the world of Sosaria, Catskills will miss your great RP and awesome personalities more so than they will miss me and my events. I can be replaced, the players who have been here for years cannot be. I hope you'll all come back someday.

Vallend, thank you for all the time and dedication you put into the EM program, through not only the stratics reports and news posts, but as you said, acting as a voice for the players and for me. You were always spot on in telling me how it was or wasn't, and you helped me grow as an EM. I think you'll be an invaluable resource for EM Adris, and I have a feeling you two will get along great, if you choose to stay active ;).

Again, it was an awesome experience.
See you all on the other side.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've made a plan to replace every one of the pirates.
I created a bot who says, "Yarr", emotes *belch* and *farts*.

So far it's fooled everyone!