• Hail Guest!
    We're looking for Community Content Contribuitors to Stratics. If you would like to write articles, fan fiction, do guild or shard event recaps, it's simple. Find out how in this thread: Community Contributions
  • Greetings Guest, Having Login Issues? Check this thread!
  • Hail Guest!,
    Please take a moment to read this post reminding you all of the importance of Account Security.
  • Hail Guest!
    Please read the new announcement concerning the upcoming addition to Stratics. You can find the announcement Here!

DRED Recruiting

It is a pleasure to announce that (DRED) guild will be looking to add new solid members to our family. Currently, we are accepting new recruits that will be asked to go through a not so strict sreening process to be added to our fun loving group. You can contact me directly though ICQ 684098456. You can also add me to your Discord friends by adding Happy Gilmore#2872 and sending me a message.
We do not have some ridiculous recruiting process, but we are a tight group that are loyal to one another and we do not want any additional drama brought in by bad people. I have removed people in the recent past that were not loyal and creating dramatic situations. That being said we know how to and often make lots of gold so we all have plenty of gold to buy whatever we want. We do lots and lots of things in game to keep things from getting boring. If I had to list the things we did I would run out of space real quick. If you are returning and need help we have all the resources to get you on your feet in no time. If you have been playing alone and want some good people to hang out with and have a good laugh then contact me and we will see about getting in front of some members for an introduction. If you have ill intent in your heart then please skip contacting me, because I protect my people and I will no longer tolerate rude obnoxious dramatic people trying to ruin our fun. Hope to talk to you soon!
