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Dread Warhorses



Does anyone sell or own them??
I am a returning player after about 4 years plus and I had one given to me today. Just wondering the scoop on them.

Also is anyone selling a nice stat great dragon? I am really rusty at taming since my return =(

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread horses dont spawn anymore!, they were part of an invasion that was happening for a short time!, there were commanders i guess you can say of a unit of invading monsters! they were named Vanguards and they rode the dread warhorses, when killed! the horses were able to be tamed afterword...
you might still find some people who sell them!, but no they dont spawn anymore...i forget what it does but...say the word trick to it..see what happens


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread horses dont spawn anymore!, they were part of an invasion that was happening for a short time!, there were commanders i guess you can say of a unit of invading monsters! they were named Vanguards and they rode the dread warhorses, when killed! the horses were able to be tamed afterword...
you might still find some people who sell them!, but no they dont spawn anymore...i forget what it does but...say the word trick to it..see what happens

That should solve any question anybody has about the presence of dread warhorses. I believe the taming of them was a glitch because you could bola the Vanguard and then lead off the dread to tame it. Then they eventually fixed it so if you bola the Vanguard the dread disappears.