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Drawback Cu?


Stratics Veteran
I recently adquired a Black Cu Sidhe. But there is a problem (if it is really a problem). My cu comes with nearly capped energy resist, cold resist and high poison too. That means I can't max physical and fire.
This is how my cu would be after raising resists 80,77,83,43,82 (365 total resist).
Would be a really drawback not cap the fire resistance for three points left?
Other stats are really good (high hp and str)

Thank you :)

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is why to me, next to high hp, resists are the most crucial thing. The only time I look for an 80+ resist is if I am building a target specific Cu. Other than that I let the "near max resist" Cu's go.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks good to me. 3 % fire resist is not that bad.