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Drama Wars episode 1


Stratics Veteran
A Long Time Ago
In a game far far away...

Well Well...
I am thinking that every keystroke; that i have pressed and the ones that i plan to press in the moments after these; that you are reading is just a waste of time. :coco:

Currently, i am being sucked into a virtual sewage ditch of pointless construction. After this post i will not respond to any taunts, nor will i be baited into any aspect of such sillyness any longer. To tell the truth i have somewhat lost my focus on baja. But perhaps i can refresh myself and go back to what i wanted too do here. I have had alot of hardships here on baja. Many know of my great loss a few months back. Many also know that i also left baja for a few weeks based upon idiotic playmanship by another player. But i plan too stay here and try to enjoy myself.

But onto my focus and my point of issue. There is one guild on baja who claims to be the "good guys". That is absurd. Early on I thought this of them. So i tried avenues of diplomacy which i thought would be a good idea; cuz they were the "good guys".

I was a fool. I was told one thing via pm; but, in the field was treated in a whole different fashion. I made the mistake of thinking that i could count on the responses i was given.

What i think is beyond all reasonable understanding; is that events that happened *WEEKS* and *MONTHS* ago are still being touted as the reasons for the treatment directed towards me.
To this i say, If you are still focusing on these past events then you need to get up and go outside or watch tv or something else. Perhaps you have some bizarre fascination with me or who knows what. But you seriously need to drop it. Its not healthy whatever it is.

So when i walk up and pop a red gate. That means i want to fight *you*. Not 10 minutes later when you get a few of your guildmates. If you have no problem attacking me when i am vulnerable then at least have the guts to face me when I am not.

As for that red guild. I dont think most of them even know who i am. But they are quite simple. They pk anyone who is not in there guild. Thats why i like them. Because they are honest. They kill me too. So im not with them. To get along with them is quite easy. Dont insult or trash talk to them and you will find they are really nice. So theres no drama there.

So take your 120 drama temps and go bother someone else. Because its all just so stupid and such a waste of time.:pie:


But to those of you without 120 drama temps; check out this old band i use to know. i used to know them back in the mid 90s-early y2k...

music has profanties so if u dont like that kinda stuff...
THE CHUMPS | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A Long Time Ago

As for that red guild. I dont think most of them even know who i am. But they are quite simple. They pk anyone who is not in there guild. Thats why i like them. Because they are honest. They kill me too. So im not with them. To get along with them is quite easy. Dont insult or trash talk to them and you will find they are really nice. So theres no drama there.
Aww, that brought a tear to me eyes.


Xelious Norwood

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I am not one to quote but "cant we all just get along"
I am certainly not one to trash talk. To me if you pvp (which I dont) you are going to win some and you are going to lose some. So my question is why does anyone feel they have the right to bad mouth anyone else cause i can guarantee if your Not :love:Mesanna :love:then you have died before. I would assume peeps that pvp do it for fun, so if you feel your not having fun doing it or call foul on someone you cant beat, then just stop doing it or come up with strategies that work to your benefit.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
google translate says,

I am not a paper cup lol and
you say you are my bothrer ...

huh ?