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[Fishing] Dragon's Tail Fishing Competition


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Dragon's Tail Fishing Contest
All submissions must be caught on or between 2/1/14 and 2/15/14. This will be for FISH only and no crustaceans will be included. Enchanted Fish and Legendary Fish are in play as well as the Mud Puppy, Red Herring, and generic, "Large" Fish.
All submissions must be turned in to the mailbox at Nancy's Harbor Cafe before the server goes down on 2/15/14. Runes to the Cafe will be available during the launch event on 1/31/14.
The pay out will be determined as follows.
Category I Fish:
Black Marlin, Blue Marlin, Bull Fish, Crystal Fish, Dungeon Pike, Fairy Salmon, Fire Fish, Giant Koi, Giant Samurai, Golden Tuna, Great Barracude, Holy Mackeral, King Fish, Lantern Fish, Large Fish, Lave Fish, Mud Puppy, Rainbow Fish, Reaper Fish, Red Herring, Seeker Fish, Stone Fish, Unicorn Fish, Yellowtail Barracuda, Zombie Fish.
These 25 Cat I Fish will pay 1 Million gold for the largest submission and this will doubled to 2 Million if the submission beats what is currently on display ay Nancy's. See theTrophy Room for current display weights.
Category II Fish:
Abyssal Dragon Fish, Autumn Dragon Fish, Spring Dragon Fish, Summer Dragon Fish, Winter Dragon Fish.
These Cat II Fish will pay 5 million for the biggest submission and this will double to 10 million if the submission beats what is currently on display at Nancy's.
Additional incentives:
Beginner's Incentive: To encourage beginning and non hard core fisher participation Nancy will be awarding an Orc Ship deed with full compliment of heavy guns to the largest Yellowtail Barracuda submission. This deep sea Trammel Fish can be caught with just 80 Fishing Skill!
Needs Improvement: The Winter Dragon and Abyssal Dragon on display at Nancy's need improvement (just 52 stones each).
Replace the Winter Dragon Fish trophy with your submission and receive the winner's choice of jewel sets from turn in point program, Mage Set (Etolile Blue and Novo Blue) or Warrior Set (Lune Rouge and Soleil Rouge).
Replace the Abyssal Dragon Fish trophy with your winning submission and recieve 20 minax Arties, 1 Valorite Runic Hammer, and 1 Verite Runic Hammer.
Whooper: The single largest winning submission will pay out an additional 5 Million gold regardless of category.
And as usual all participants who submit a fish will receive a personalized "participation' prize pack.
Ties will be settled as followed. The earliest date caught will be used to break ties in weight. If a tie still exists the prize will be split as evenly as possible between the submissions.
Good luck and get casting!
tinyurl.com/nancysharbor for all the details
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