I dont know how strong Dragons were intended to be.
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If you played before AoS, you'd have a good idea.
You're not the only one to suggest there are other areas for a sub-GM character to train... but so far nobody has made any suggestions for anyplace better.
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Despise (EEs, Ettins, Ogres, Ogre Lords, Lizardmen), Shame (Air Elementals, Evil Mages, EEs, Gazers, Poison Elementals, Dull Copper Elementals), Blood Dungeon in Illshenar (Demons), Wrong (Controllers, Juka, Brigands, Golems), Covetous (Harpies, Stone Harpies, Gazers, Lichs, Water Elementals).
List could go on and on, frankly. Don't try and paint Destard as the only location on the shard that people can train in just because you personally haven't played in a climate which requires you to get a little creative with where you hunt and train in case a PK comes around the corner and takes all your loot and gear (read: before Trammel/Siege.)
if you find that Dragons aren't that much of a challenge then why don't you upgrade to Ancient Wyrm, etc.
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If you think this is about people not feeling challenged enough, you've already demonstrated how much you've missed the point right there. The change is to bring the dragon's difficulty in relation to their loot back into proportion and, once again, make them a formidable creature again in their own right. Dragons were intended to be strong creatures. Dragons were strong creatures. Dragons had their strength cut in half when people started doing crazy damage and their HP was reduced after AoS. Their loot was actually INCREASED post-AoS. Dragons are now being fixed so they're not an easy kill for a large amount of cash, even for characters still in training. Simple imo. Players won't look for new challenges when they can get large amounts of gold and gems for minimal effort at the dragon spawn.
I actually had to worry about a dragon killing me, instead of the mindless target..
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So who's actually twisting your arm making you kill dragons in 2-3 hits, mindlessly, over and over? And who's making you use what is in all likelyhood the best weapon and armor you own, to do it?
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The loot:difficulty ratio.