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Dragon Wolf - do I keep it?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It spawned on a treasure map, so I switched chars and tamed it. Big question now is what do I do with it?
Does it have any real advantages over other pets? Most especially the physical damage platinum drake I have that's 5 slot with chiv & AI?

Or should I stick it on a pet stall and sell it?


Stratics Veteran
Their advantage is they have high strength, but the fact they can't get any magical abilities limits their potential. If it's not a three slot, i would sell it. (actually if it was me, i would probably still hoard it, but i would suggest to others to sell)


Stratics Veteran
Have 2 of then in stable, however have not done anything with them. I'm keeping mine to mess with later which is what i would do in your position, assuming you have the extra stable space. Whether they are worth anything, in my opinion, is going to depend on how useful their magical abilities are ( have not been able to do much testing on those) with their over capped strength.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the input. I think maybe I'll take it to test center before I make a firm decision on it.


Stratics Veteran
Some further clarification. When I mentioned they cannot get magical abilities, i meant actual magical abilities, Magery, chiv, etc. They can get poisoning. Also, their damage is physical and they come preloaded with dragon breath, so that rules out getting grasping claw. An unfortunate pet, a new tamable but with limited potential. The high str ones (900ish) are four slots also which limits what they can be trained with.


Stratics Veteran
Khaelor, you caught me off guard with that Hoarding comment.. thanks mate I needed that laugh... =^-^=


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Khaelor, you caught me off guard with that Hoarding comment.. thanks mate I needed that laugh... =^-^=
My friend and I both freely admit that UO should be marketed as the answer to RL horders... just have them play UO.... they will horde accounts, stuffs, and all without the clutter IRL.


Stratics Veteran
My friend and I both freely admit that UO should be marketed as the answer to RL horders... just have them play UO.... they will horde accounts, stuffs, and all without the clutter IRL.
Don't hoard anything else in game, other than maybe dyes. But I will never ever release a pet or otherwise abandon it. In fact I will go to painstalking efforts to save any abandoned animal...a lot of the animals end up in our guild stable vendors awaiting their forever home....

Back in the day.... before control slots, I would keep herds of dragons in the house. They would, if I recall correctly, last exactly 8 hours before they would go wild without being fed and without me in game. Things would go to hell when I would sleep in. I would wake up with icq messages: "The dragons went wild and someone let them out...they are eating the town folks". Ahh the good old days.....
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You should have at least one of everything to show new players. And since you dont collect colors you should have room.

Dragon Wolf