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dragon plea



leave current dragons as is and just add the new dragon as "hatch-ling ancient wyrm"... seen it done before on a free shard, and the players loved it.


*GASP!* You said the "F" word!

Seriously though, some people who run those have more creativity and skill in their little pinky than the EA devs have in their whole bodies. It's amazing to see how much more, dare I say it, advanced some of these shards are than production shards. Maybe cause the people who run them actually care about the game and aren't there just to collect a paycheck every week? :\


Free shards are dumb.

Ancient Wyrm hatchling is the dumbest idea that I've ever heard. It's an ancient wyrm... REALLY old and powerful... but it just hatched.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Ancient Wyrm hatchling is the dumbest idea that I've ever heard. It's an ancient wyrm... REALLY old and powerful... but it just hatched.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah i thought that was kindof funny, too.



Free shards are dumb.

[/ QUOTE ]
Pretty ignorant statement. Freeshards are where most of the innovation happens; they're not afraid to try new things and react to player feedback, which is more than EA do on the official servers. Takes months to years for any significant changes to happen with EA, and they don't listen to players to boot. On top of that, even when they do listen, it'd take more months to actually implement the changes based on the feedback.


it could be a fletchling wyrm ... its better then using the same graphic for both types of tame-able dragons...

<font color="red"> would be nice to be able to tell the difference in pvp settings. </font>


Hehe, yeah, that was kind of oxymoronic. Saying a Hatchling Ancient Wyrm is like saying a real live dead body, or attempted manslaughter (Seen that once in a case, that judge must of been smoking something considering attempted is intentional, and manslaughter is usually accidental, plus the evidence was overwhelming against the defendant).

Although, i had an idea like this awhile back when Dragon Island first came out in Tokuno on Napa (It's hidden under the UO symbol on the cloth map of Tokuno, some GM or Dev hinted that a house would be placeable there at some point in time, but only enough room on the island for one 18x18, then they went and put a Dragon Nest there that ruined it) and Dragon Eggs were spawning in the nests there every once in awhile during a Event. I had an idea that we could hatch the eggs and raise Wyrmlings, the more trained they got the bigger they got until reaching Ancient Wyrm status at 7xGM. However most of the Dragon Eggs were X-sharded off of Napa


Just dub the uber ones "greater dragons" or something so I can tell them apart hunting.


Grand Inquisitor
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Just dub the uber ones "greater dragons" or something so I can tell them apart hunting.

[/ QUOTE ]
I thought about it, but I think part of the point of the new dragons was to make fighting dragons more of a challenge, and it is much more challenging if you can't tell what you are up against.


New Player Protector
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Stratics Legend
They should allow tamers that train their pets to become stronger through training and fighting. EA's expecting me to dump my 6 year old, 3 slotter dragons? Why can't they grow stronger over time?...

If I want a 5 slotter now, I'll have to sacrifice a stable slot that's currently occupied by something old, loved and trained...



I might be the only one that feels this way but I think you are f-in nuts to add the new stronger dragons in without some way to tell them apart... a name isnt enough... tamers rename their pets.



They should allow tamers that train their pets to become stronger through training and fighting. EA's expecting me to dump my 6 year old, 3 slotter dragons? Why can't they grow stronger over time?...

If I want a 5 slotter now, I'll have to sacrifice a stable slot that's currently occupied by something old, loved and trained...

[/ QUOTE ]


See my suggestion in the other thread.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I prefer "Great Wyrm" more.

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah. I like that too. Or maybe "Middle-aged Wyrm".


Something similiar to the Evolutionary pets system on free shards, would be good
But, slowed down a fair bit, so it takes weeks, even months to max out a pet.



Something similiar to the Evolutionary pets system on free shards, would be good
But, slowed down a fair bit, so it takes weeks, even months to max out a pet.

[/ QUOTE ]

thats very agreeable