I had a greater bird that everytime I took it out of the stable or jumped off it the bird would take off. Didn't matter if it was fed or not and my char was 3x 120 tamer. I would log out and back in to reclaim it and by the time I got back into game it would be half a screen or more away. Eventually I released and killed it eventhough it had great stats.
hehe I had a blue beetle that did that! Everytime I would get off of it, the thing would run to this one spot and just stand there. (It was bugged) but It was the funniest thing... I paged a GM about it but while I was waiting for the GM to come some guy came over ... and I decided to play mind games with him...
So I said ... "Hey you wanna buy this blue beetle? He's completely trained."
The guy was like "What do you mean?"
I said "Oh, it's a magic beetle! It's possessed... Wanna see?"
Of course he did... so I said I'll get off my beetle and he will come stand right here... ( I stood on the spot he seemed attracted to.)
So I got off the beetle and sure enough he went right for the spot...
The guy was like ... "well I'm not convinced... do it again...."
I was like "Sure... But this time I'll go like way off screen.... You stay here and wait... the beetle will be here shortly." The guy agreed and I went about 4 screens away and hopped off the beetle.
Sure enough soon as I did the beetle made a B-Line for the spot arriving there way before me.
The guy was like "OMG that is cool... how much you want for it?"
About this time the GM showed up and I was like... "Well truth be told the poor beetle is cursed... and in need of a curse removal" The GM fixed the poor pet and all was well but sure was funny. My guildmate and I were laughing up a storm... and the fella we were toying with had a good laugh too. Especially when I told him we had come there to farm leather from the Gaman.... and everytime I'd get enough in my pack to make me overweight I'd get off my beetle and it would run away to the spot and I'd be left standing there too heavy to chase it...
But it is a bug and is something a GM CAN fix.