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Dragon, am I crazy?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So I was thinking about this since I saw Pawain’s post in another thread. In way, I wish he didn’t delete it, as it got me to thinking some crazy thoughts. This is just a working idea, as I don’t have a dragon to try this out. Given how tight they are for points, I seriously doubt I can make chiv/AI work on one, at least not without some serious compromises like very few scrolls.
On the other hand, I’m thinking chiv/AI would be very nice on a dragon, given they can have over 800 str.
Anyone think it would crazy to try this out?


Crazed Zealot
I doubt its crazy. Worth giving it a try, possibly on TC1 so you will not sac the scrolls in the regular shard, see how it works..


Lore Master
I put AI/Chiv on a 4 slot stygian drake once. It had 824 Strength and no fire breath, but it had no room for any scrolls and around 500 HP. In the end I let him go, just wasn't worth it when you consider 100% physical damage and low HP, couldn't max regens either.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
To be perfectly honest, I got shot of all 100% Phys pets a long time ago. It's my own personal opinion but... no matter what skills/attributes you give them you can easily out do them with elemental focused pets. And in 'almost' all cases, with the exception of a few cases, fire damage pets are the way ahead. Bringeth on the Fire Steed/Fire Beetle because they are ridable.

I personally find Cus completely overrated, they have healing... great... These days I just heal with magery due to the mechanics (read AoE) of most mobs/bosses and with suits being the way they are, you rarely if ever run out of mana.

Overcapped stats, again in my opinion, are overrated especially if its a 100% Phys pet. There are very, very few mobs out there that are primarily susceptible to Physical Damage.

Just my opinion of course! :thumbsup:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dont add any poison or cold resist. Put Phy and fire to 80 energy to 70.
Stam 150 Max damage
Put on AI chiv
put on 110 scrolls
put 20 MR

Rest of the points where you want.