As pointed out in this thread :
it showed several backpacks of vendors selling ingots and gems all the same--well I just quickly walked thru Luna LS and found that 5 vendors all selling the exact same items for the exact same prices organized the exact same way as the ones Wolfie shows in the pictures on that thread.
I learned a long time ago:
If it looks like a duck
Walks like a duck
Sounds like a duck
it is probably a duck
I would be glad to post coordinates if others post that they find the same vendors on thier shards and all agree on posting the coordinates of those vendors as well.
I think if we find more than 10 all the same--we might have found some ducks.
So I have found 5 how many has anyone else found?
it showed several backpacks of vendors selling ingots and gems all the same--well I just quickly walked thru Luna LS and found that 5 vendors all selling the exact same items for the exact same prices organized the exact same way as the ones Wolfie shows in the pictures on that thread.
I learned a long time ago:
If it looks like a duck
Walks like a duck
Sounds like a duck
it is probably a duck
I would be glad to post coordinates if others post that they find the same vendors on thier shards and all agree on posting the coordinates of those vendors as well.
I think if we find more than 10 all the same--we might have found some ducks.
So I have found 5 how many has anyone else found?