Hail: I think the whole housing system should be changed. No more placement tool at all. EA should put down the houses in the area's they want then to be in. The house sign becomes the interface to buy it with. Your current house would not be affected, but the interface would go into effect on your sign.
This means the foundation/house size would never change. Only the way you would decorate it would change. Once the timer has expired, and the house would go into IDOC, as it does now, would be replaced with the sign going into the default brown color, and saying 4-sale.
There would be no decay warning at all. One day that 18x18 is there, and the next it just says 4-sale. At that moment in time, every item in the house is released from lock down. Now everyone has the exact same chance to get a bigger or better house. imhop.
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I like these ideas. I proposed, over six years ago, back when the OSI had their own forums, that there be several kinds of housing. You should be able to "rent" rooms and shops in inns and in towns. As long as you pay the rent the place is yours and you can store stuff there. If it is an inn you can't place furniture, you can only use the storage there. If it is a shop or a house you can decorate it as you could any house, but you can't make physical changes to the building.
Then there should be more cities laid out like Luna, where you have roads and you can place in specific areas designed to hold housing. I have always hated the wild areas in UO plugged up with housing. And you should have to pay taxes for your housing if you aren't paying rent.
There should be specific spots in the wilderness areas large enough for castles, keeps and towers, and only those buildings can be placed there. For the most part however you shouldn't be able to place in wilderness areas, and for the wilderness areas you can place in, you shouldn't have to pay taxes, but you should have to pay for guards to guard your castle, keep or tower.