Well, with the release of a big patch today that includes a new land and other various major tweaks, I'll take a bit of downtime. I don't recall ever getting major patch changes like this in UO without a few DAYS of downtime while they tried sorting it all out.
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I played UO for 9 years and i dont recall major changes taking the game down for a few DAYS as you claim.
I think WoW has more down time then UO really. And yes i also miss Recalls and houses. How ever at least for the most part when UO had trouble they gave out in game gifts like all the AoS crap.
Wow having 8 hour down time is kinda lame but *shrugs* i lived through 9 years of UO and will live through wows downtimes.
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When they introduced housing in Tram I wasn't able to login for nearly a week.
BTW, when WoW has trouble, they give away free play time.
EDIT: also in the years I played UO we never got anything at all for downtime. I quit after pub16.