Err... the advanced patching feature is part of what makes the Enhanced Client... enhanced.They really should make the 2d patching system like EC, About 15mb to install initially but then it only patches what it needs, Instead of patching, then overwriting files with the next patch... and the next patch.
Not arguing. Also, I will say that all of the people who did that are long gone. I do not doubt they were WOW fans. The problem for us on the team now is getting EA to sign off on paying people to redo work that they paid people to redo 4 years ago.On the other hand, while in the process of improving the UO client, and going 2.5d, someone has gone to the effort of taking arguably some of the best creature art in the genre, and gone to something beyond even cartoon land. Anyone that thinks the EC dragons are even in the same game as the CC, let alone the same ballpark, is smoking something far from legal, and far from healthy. That wasn't artistic license - that was artistic butchery. Whoever flexed their artistic muscle in that situation was obviously in spasmodic mode...
Well, it was a conscious choice to make them a little lower rez than KR. We were trying to get the download size down and trying to hit a "minimum spec".Mark:
This may not be your field specifically, and I may be asking a question far out of my league, but here it goes:
What is so difficult about manipulating individual art assets in the pipeline? If this new patcher is that advanced, why is it so difficult to make individual changes?
Take for example, a simple 2D flat sprite in classic. Saphireena has done marvels with simple 2D tiles. If we were to take one of her static objects, like a ground tile, is it impossible to simply swap out that one particular asset, allowing it to be redone one piece at a time with this very advanced patcher? Maybe even by community volunteers who give you the image, they sign some legal form, the team makes a decision weather to use the asset or not, and bam, you have an outsourced FREE art team?