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[Discussion] Doublet



I found a doublet its red in color. When i try to insure it it says blessed items cant be insured, but the doublet dosent say blessed.Dont think its rare but where does this item come from or is it bugged.Thanks for any info


This doublet would be a 'newbied' item. Long ago when new characters were created, their worn clothing, and some select items from their backpack, were blessed.

While clothing is the most abundant of such newbied items found anymore, non-clothing newbie items are somewhat difficult to find.

I personally have a nice collection of newbied items on display at my museum on GL. They range from clothing (obviously), reagents, weapons, crafting tools, bandages, gold and jewelry.

A few tricks with newbie items:

1) They will disappear after ~7 minutes if not in a secure container, i.e. your backpack, bank box or a secure container.
2) Proving an item is newbied is quite difficult to a potential buyer.


Thanks for the quick reply was thinking about locking it down glad i didnt.