I was just browsing the Archer forum for the first time and your post really made me laugh. It was some time ago since you made this post, but I really do want to inform people to not be as short-sighted as you !!!
That is actually what rings the "NOOB" alarm loud...
I use a Daemon/Elemental slayer bow, and have been using it for several years. I deal an average damage of 220+ per hit, maybe it's not the highest dmg per second but I like it ^^.
1. Bload oath. Can be very harmfull IF you are watching TV at the same time or not paying attention in any other way. It deals about 70-80 dmg to me, true. But ever thought about Vampiric embrace? Sure helps a lot...
2. Who cares if he switches to you, as long as your resists are decent enough, I've dealt with the DF (after all the changes) with just 2 other people without dying, but nowadays doom is camped anyways so it sure as hell doesn't matter. Again, VE helps a lot
3. Whole group? There are enough players around to lower attack and defense chance, so no need for another! Furthermore, I doubt if there is anyone (outside guildplay and parties) who actually go to doom so others can do more damage... Remember, your chane to get arties is higher if YOU are higher on the dmg toplist.
4. Mine has 10 SSI, as it was enhanced. Again, the VE is a nice idea if your short of hitpoints. ML, LL and SL is nice, if it's like 50%, otherwise fairly useless. Plus there's always meditation, focus or armor mods.
About the selfishness, the only ones who are some of the bushido archers.
They are the ones who f*ck up the DF's. Ever wondered why 2-5 more DF's come running in while you are still at 90% killing the 1st? It's the darn bushido archers who honored them. Why? Cause they want to get there 100% DI themselves. So don't talk about someone with a dual slayer being selfish !!!
Furthermore, I among other users of dual slayers are very helpful to others and thus get the same help in return!!!