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[Auction] Double Exceptional


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am auctioning off all of my overflow double eq items. There are two containers, the first is 60 items, all A Wooden Box of Exceptional Quality. The second is A Wooden Chest of Exceptional Quality with 105 items, including container. This auction is for ALL items, bulk lot. I will adhere to the standard auction rules, but I am not used to doing this on stratics, so I ask for patience and understanding. Minimum bid for this auction is 50mil. Thanks in advance. *edit* I suppose it would help if I said when it was ending... Thursday Jan 26th Midnight est!


PS. I really stink at screen shots, so if ya want to see please ICQ me at 244373602 to take a look. Or hey! Even take a screenie, cause we all know... this post is pointless without pictures! :)
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