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Dot Island Issue (?)



I am in the process of making T-Map Books and have run across a conundrum. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. I marked the rune on Dot Island on the Trammel side just fine, I can recall to said point and have no issues. When I went to the Fel side of the world to do the same thing - number one, any rune i found did not work and second, Finding a rune to Fel Dot Island was an interesting hunt. I marked my rune on the island and when I went to Recall to check to make sure the location worked I kept getting the message "Something is Blocking that Location." Is this normal for Fel Dot Isle? I tried several different marking locations on said Isle and to no avail. None of them worked with the same message each time. Is there a T-map on Dot Isle on the Fel side of the world?? Any info folks have would be appreciated as I am kind of at a stopping point on my book marking till this is solved.

Thanks ahead of time.

Warsong of LS

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
there is no treasure map there, it was change sometime back, because people were gateing players there to be stranded or killed/looted from ships, with no where to run.

Cyrus Elmarel

You hit the nail on the head Warsong. That is exactly the reason.