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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
does anyone go there anymore on this shard? now that i can create amazing weapons with imbuing, i was thinking of giving the df a shot again, but will i be all by my lonesome down there?


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
you'll probably see me down there from time to time... or some other solo-ing persona.


what Doom artifact would be good for imbuing?

Just wondering.



Just us lonely thieves show up at Doom. But we never stay long.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so, after a week in and out of the gauntlet:
-last sunday a small group of K-D came down for a bit, other than that i have seen no one else except a couple of thieves.
-df's i can solo now much easier than before imbuing, but still die often to.(i curse the designer who invented the blood oath spell)
-no arties yet, and i've done at least six round trips in the gauntlet solo, with two df's spawning a couple of those times.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so, after a week in and out of the gauntlet:
-last sunday a small group of K-D came down for a bit, other than that i have seen no one else except a couple of thieves.
-df's i can solo now much easier than before imbuing, but still die often to.(i curse the designer who invented the blood oath spell)
-no arties yet, and i've done at least six round trips in the gauntlet solo, with two df's spawning a couple of those times.
I always get more arties off the smaller bosses down there...infact, i dont think i've EVER gotten an arti off the dark father.....ever....

i go to doom every once in a while....

Az of DSR

Are you ussing enchancted apples? If you have a uoassist macro set to eat them should be able to stay alive if blood oath is the main issue. ( =

My icq is 8304848 id like to go to doom with you sometime after I can get a decent weapon imbued. New to napa so might have me awhile to finish all the training I need. Anyways love doom, one of my fav. mindless hunts on UO haha