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doom stealables


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
are any of them rly worth making a thief for besides the slim chance of getting 1 of the arti level 10s

also how does every1 kno when 1s about to spawn????


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well the valuable items are of course the lvl 10 arties, but also the saddle (ar9) can fetch around 4 mils +-. Also the standing swords and the flowers are desired. Oh and in my opinion the most decorating stealable is a white lamppost

Most times it´s luck or sheer patience to get one of the higher ones, but I know there´s some info on the spawn frequency on stratics somewhere.

My best steal was the blade of rightousness in doom 2, and it was pure luck I got it *grins proudly*

Edit: I found the spawn times. Here ya go: