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[Price Check] Dont want to waste vet reward. Could someone help?



I want to get a commodity box but i don't want to waste my 9th year vet reward on a 1st year reward.
So i figured id get the most expensive item and sell it then buy a commodity box.
Could someone tell me what the most expensive vet reward is up to 9 years?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I want to get a commodity box but i don't want to waste my 9th year vet reward on a 1st year reward.
So i figured id get the most expensive item and sell it then buy a commodity box.
Could someone tell me what the most expensive vet reward is up to 9 years?
Honestly, there really isn't one it's all robes and junk, and since vet reward robe are basically worthless, there is like a statue or something.

Honestly I blew one on a soulstone because I could use it. I did get two of those private moongates and a commodity box from my brothers account when it reactivated for SA that was pretty nice actually.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I want to get a commodity box but i don't want to waste my 9th year vet reward on a 1st year reward.
So i figured id get the most expensive item and sell it then buy a commodity box.
Could someone tell me what the most expensive vet reward is up to 9 years?
Save it til 10th year and sell me a ore cart lol