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[Fishing] Done 100 fishmonger quests now ...


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
This post is not meant as an insult. More like a report to those, that like to collect numbers.
I have just finished my 100'th fishmonger quest and thought, this might be a good time, to do a summary of what i got and what not. (Maybe one of the devs is collecting data and could use it for further improvements to the system. *g* ) I have never cancelled or declined a quest and I had none to be cancelled after delivering due to a bug.
While fishing for those quests, I have sunk 558 lobster traps. (And some quest were done with a system of ppl swapping crabs + lobsters and there are several custodeans left, that can be used on further quests.)

Out of those 100 quests were ...
47 * 1-part-orders
17 * 2-part-orders
18 * 3-part-orders
10 * 4-part-orders
3 * 5-part-orders
5 * 6-part-orders

My rewards are:
Tonns of baits
- yellowtail barracuda 253 charges
- great barracuda 102 charges
- stone crab 239 charges
- autumn dragonfish 227 charges
- giant koi 151 charges
- holy mackerel 273 charges
- fairy salmon 109 charges
- lava fish 52 charges
- summer dragonfish 55 charges
- spider crab 65 charges
- blue lobster 52 charges
4 lava fishing poles
5 lava lobster traps
16 rare book parts: 8*part 1, 4*part 2, 4* part 4
4 wonderous scroll of fishing (105)

I tried 20 charges of the stone crab bait on lobster traps but I had no luck. Either those are not working, working in another way or I need to be at higher fishing (105 yet). The samll fishing scrolls are not THAT rare. Ppl sell thema tm for outrageous prices. I havent recognized any difference between 100 and 105 fishing. Only reasons, I ve read one,were that I got them for free from questing and that I want to get to 120 some time and would have had to train to 105 either way. A second scroll was given away and i am really considdering of collecting 8 for binding them into a 110. Thought I 'll try other ideas before. Actually i am hoping, that there is a chance for a (higher) ps within a sos-chest. But no luck this far. (I started with 50 sos and 5 asos messages. If I am getting a ps that way, I ll let you know in time.)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello Silverbird,

Very nice summery.
I didn't have the patience to do this myself.
I only kept count by making secures in which I tossed the rewards. 50 per secure and this way I could keep track of the number of quests I did.
Sofar I have done 216 quests. This morning I was almost at the point of just quitting doing the quests.
Upto the patch I done like 54 quests with no PS, then after the patch I got 4 105 PS at nrs 61,64,84,104 quest.
That made me feel hope I one day actually could get a better one. Or get 8 smalls to combine to a 110.

But meanwhile I am at quest 216 and haven't seen a PS in over 100 quests.
To make it worse I am getting on 5ers and 6ers quests a book as reward.
Over 100 quests and not one 105 ... is a little demotivating ... and crab fishing 4 hours to fill a 6er order asking for 50 crabs and the rest and getting a book really doesn't help.

Am going to stop counting at 250, and try to go back to my old fishing enjoyment before I burnout on this (if I not already have).

I really like fishing and do not wish to spoil it for myself.
Ofcourse I will keep trying ... but in a more relaxed fashion..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Btw ... are you saying one has a chance on PS doing MiB's ???
If yes, where did you get this info ?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Btw ... are you saying one has a chance on PS doing MiB's ???
If yes, where did you get this info ?
I dont say ... I say I am testing. :) (For having a change from always doing fishmonger quests and for clearing some lockdowns, I ve prepared a bag with 50 sos and 5 asos. More than half done without luck. No changes this far.)


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
...The samll fishing scrolls are not THAT rare.
I so beg to differ. For my fisher, the scrolls are still non-existent. No longer counting quests (including at least five 6-part and 40 5-part), and not at all optimistic the RNG knows how to roll a scroll drop. Here is what I've accumulated to so far:

- autumn dragonfish 321 charges
- fairy salmon 225 charges
- giant koi 171 charges
- great barracuda 365 charges
- holy mackerel 159 charges
- stone crab 368 charges
- yellowtail barracuda 191 charges

- blue lobster 52 charges
- bull fish 52 charges
- lava fish 52 charges
- reaper fish 50 charges

5 lava fishing poles
6 lava lobster traps
16 rare book parts: 12 part 1, 6 part 2, 2 part 3, and 4 part 4
0 scrolls of fishing


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We need a thread here that lists the exact quest people take to get a 105 ... I've heard people getting a scroll from a 3-part and a 5-part so far.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I AM done ... did like 5 6ers today total got 5 BOOKS ...
That's like 400-500 fish for 5 worthless "RARE" books ...

Tell me, how this is fun and what they think why I would like to get a book for 4 hours fishing for the gazillionth time??

I don't read the same book in RL 12 times do I ?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We need a thread here that lists the exact quest people take to get a 105 ... I've heard people getting a scroll from a 3-part and a 5-part so far.
I cannot recommend to abort quests. I think, I ve gotten the last two of my 105's from 6-part-orders. My first one was from a 4-part.
Actually I suppose there are different factors:
- the mysterious reputation: If you do more quests, you unlock the chance to get larger parted quests. It also might increase the reward table. (The more quests I've done, the more different baits I have got.)
- the value of an order: I would guess that each oder gets caculated into one number. While low/mid part orders can get a ps, the chance at larger orders is simply higher. Look at Fishing Quests for the calculation on how many charges a bait gets from an order.
- your fishing skill: at least it is said, that you can get quests for dungeon fishes with a minimum of 106 fishing. Unfortunately those fishes have the highest weight. (Compare with bait charges calculation.)

To nail down all orders that can get a (105) powerscroll, we would need at least the value of an order. 6-part-orders should be maximum. (The quest crate can hold 1200 stones which would be 6 different fishes in numbers of 20.) My lowest order was a 1-part for 5 lobsters, which equates to an order value of 2.5. The biggest we could get now would be 120.
Dont forget the rng. You still need to have enough personal luck to get a ps on a roll. (Remember the bod system. We are still at the lower ends of them. Only the high ps are guaranteed on a lbod. The chance on the lower ones is usually only small like 10 or 20%.)

I had the feeling, that I would get more and more larger orders, the more quests I've done. Which got reflected in getting two of my ps at the end of my questing.

If someone want to do a strange test setting ... Use an old ship to take quests. I started my quest with one and I got a strange message each time. Some thing like: The hold of your ship is too small, I ll give you one that fits into. I would assume that you are limited to 2-part orders that way (max 2*20 fishes with 400 stones or even only 1-parter course the quest chest itselfs does weight. Though I am not shure, if you can accept multiple orders that way. But if only the number of quests done counts for the mysterious reputation, you would be able to build that one up with possible lowest fishing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well if that is your theory ...

I can tell you for me, the higher I got with the reputation, the crappier the rewards got.
The last 20ish quests I got many 6ers, and more books as rewards, and hardly any 3ers, 4ers and 5ers quests, did get some 1ers and 2ers.

I cleared my quest que, and ended at 232 quests done, my last PS I saw at 104, means you can do 128 quests without seeing one.

I can say from this 232 quests i got:

4 PS 105
16 lava poles
12 lava traps
12 unlisted baits
28 books
160 of the various listed 7 baits

OR I was extremly lucky between quest 61 to 104 and extremly unlucky from 105 to 232.
OR the 3ers,4ers,5ers is a good range to be in loottable wise for the PS.

I am almost getting the feeling the "rare" books lay higher in the loottable then en 105 PS.

Now I do believe in the RNG can have it's lucky and unlucky streaks, but 125+ quests with no PS 105 is extremly unlucky or it is still a vary rare drop.

For now I am taking a break from the quests, for the following reasons:

The sheer amout of crab fishing is starting to get to me for reasons I stated in this thread:
Until this whole reputaion/loottable thing is somewhat clearer to me I do not wish to "waste" more time.
Expecting a PS 115/120 just like that for a 100 fish 6er delivery is extreme, (although knowing the CHANCE exsists would be nice), but getting a worthless book for all this work I feel is also an extreme.
Handing out some 105 PS, but setting the next level fish to the deliveries to 106 irks me alot. Feels like the carrot thing in a very bad way. I have the feeling THEN you have the better chance for the 110+ PS. But then you need a 110 PS to get one ...
I don't mind piecing a 110 from 8 105, but imagining 100+ quest per PS puts me off.
Still annoyed with the sticky completed quests in list.

So all in all I decided to sit this one out a bit.
Ofcourse I will continue to fish and hope things will get better with the Monger Quests in time.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
now that youve thrown away the reward books you can put each part into your backpack and take your boat to a certain bloody alter out in the middle of the ocean and sit on the thrown. This will summon the new creature Aquaman. Defeat him to get your next level power scroll from whatever skill cap you are currently at.



Luke Carjacker

I did over 120 quests before I got my first PS. I was starting to get very discouraged as people were reporting them after 40-60 quests. I will say that early on, I did cancel a few quests (some because of glitch, and some because I didn't want to do them).

Then, after I got my first one, I got 3 more in pretty quick succession, in about the next 30-40 quests. Since that time I've done about 60 more and have not received another PS. My PS have all come from 4-6 part quests.

I've recently had a bunch of 6-part quests with 80-95 fish per quest. I did get a pt. 3 book. I'll also say that for certain, all of my rare baits came from these large orders, and they seem to be awarded in large quantities (50-70 bait per cup).

I have not canceled any quests recently, and for the most part I'm getting quest with 3-6 parts for 40-95 fish per quests. There have been a few single-parters mixed in as well, but mostly the orders have been very big.

I do just one quest at a time and deliver it. I found that when I accepted a bunch of quests, it seemed like the orders got a lot smaller, down to 1-3 parts. I think the system has a problem recognizing pending quests, and may consider them as not done or abandoned when assigned the next quest. When I went back to doing one quest at a time, i started getting huge orders again after 3-4 quests, and I really believe that the better rewards come from these larger orders.

Luke Carjacker

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it I have some observations and ideas about the point system.

If you notice on the orders, crab/lobster are always listed first, then deepwater fish, then near shore fish. It seems to be, based on the rewards I have received, that you are credited differently based on which type of creature you are turning in. For example, you get more credit for turning in a crusty lobster than a mahi-mahi, and more still than a yellow perch. We don't get dungeon fish any more, but it would make sense if those are worth even more "points".

Second is that the number you turn in does matter. You get more credit for an order of 20 than an order of 5. So kind of like bods, if you turn in an order with a lot of 15-20 crab/lobster, you have a chance at a bigger reward. On the other hand, an order with mostly near-shore fish will yield smaller rewards.

I'm currently holding an order for 4 types of lobster/crab (10/20/15/15). According to my theory, these would give good points, even though the quantities are not max, and this should yield a nice reward. I'll report back after I catch the suckers, might be a while...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder why they didn't just make it a flat out BOD system :p.

5 crabs/lobsters gives 2 bait. 10 deep sea gave 15 bait, then they made it so you have to be 105 or 106 skill to get deep sea again? If 0.5 mod for crabs/lobsters is right, the system rounds to floor (5*0.5 = 2.5, 2 bait). By that measure, all orders round down.

Min 5 crabs/lobsters = 2 bait (2.5) and a 6x20 dungeon = 180 bait. I've done 46 quests and I've only been offered a 4-quest once so far (that was my 14th quest; no 4-orders in last 32 quest offers, and nothing better than a 4-quest yet).

10 Hummer Lobster / 10 Bonefish / 5 Pumpkinseed Sunfish / 5 Pike = 10 + 10 (20 bait) -- in this case, 20 Holy Mackerel.

According to Wrayne, 105 PS from 73rd quest:

15 Rock Lobster / 10 Cape Cod / 10 Cobia / 15 Amberjack / 10 Yellowfin Tuna / 10 Brook Trout

7.5 + 45 = 52.5 (52) ... however, I also read someone got a 105 from a 2 part order, 15/15 fish ... either 30, 37 or 45 bait, depending on when that was completed. So I guess order has to be somewhere between 30-52.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do just one quest at a time and deliver it. I found that when I accepted a bunch of quests, it seemed like the orders got a lot smaller, down to 1-3 parts. I think the system has a problem recognizing pending quests, and may consider them as not done or abandoned when assigned the next quest. When I went back to doing one quest at a time, i started getting huge orders again after 3-4 quests, and I really believe that the better rewards come from these larger orders.
Interesting thought.

I don't feel like I have the patience to sail around the world just to complete one quest at a time, but perhaps the system reduces the quality if quests are done too fast. I know that sometimes questers will say they don't have anything for you to do, sometimes ... but, I don't know. Just a lot of throwing darts into the dark.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Little update ...

Sinds I got fed up with the book rewards for hours work and doing 100+ quests without seeing a 105 PS, I did only a few quests a day after this little outburst of mine.

I took only one quest at a time ... and started to decline the 1ers and 2ers deliveries ...at quest nr 252 I finally got a 105 PS, so it took me 148 quests to get this one ... for a 4er delivery.

I really am starting to think getting up in rep and getting the 5ers and 6ers more kinda work in my disadvantage, cause it seems the majority of 105 PS drop on the 3ers and 4ers.

I am curious if anybody got a PS for a 5er-6er.
Looks like the grand prize for those is ... a book ...
Just a theory though.

Luke Carjacker


Seems to me that you need a quest that amounts to 30+ points for chance at a 105, but I've received 0 so far so I guess my theory doesn't account for much at all yet! lol (52 quests done so far)
If you've done 50+ quests without receiving an order worth 30+ points you're doing something wrong. First thing is whether you're canceling quests or not. That will drop your reputation with the fishmongers and as a result you'll get smaller quests.

Now, assuming that everyone knows this already and you haven't been canceling a lot of quests, I believe the 2nd issue is taking on multiple quests at one time. I started by doing one at a time, then switched to getting multiple orders at once after reading the suggestion here on stratics. The sizes of my orders dropped immediately and dramatically when I started taking more orders with incomplete quests still in my hold. I don't know if this is intended, or if it is a glitch, but I think you get much smaller orders buy getting more than one at time.

As soon as I went back to doing one order at a time, within 3-4 quests I was back to getting the large 4-6 fish requests. If you've done 50+ without an order worth more than 30 points, you need to check what you're doing.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Stopped canceling at 16 but doing multiple ones at one time. My pts average is going up steadily from quests I receive.

I'm going to stop doing them though because I've realized there is no real purpose of getting 120 fishing yet. Scalis loot drops are worth the time so now I am just going to try and get nets, and not pick up the fish.

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
At what point does it count negative to cancel a quest? So far iam doing only 1 quest at a time but twice i forgot to put the fish in the crate when talking to the target location monger. Means when i talked to the monger i got a new quest gump instead of the price gump.

I just didn't accept the newly offered quest (no new crate). Is that bad aswell? I hope this doesnt count negative, cause i can't even see what iam canceling without the crate.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
At what point does it count negative to cancel a quest? So far iam doing only 1 quest at a time but twice i forgot to put the fish in the crate when talking to the target location monger. Means when i talked to the monger i got a new quest gump instead of the price gump.

I just didn't accept the newly offered quest (no new crate). Is that bad aswell? I hope this doesnt count negative, cause i can't even see what iam canceling without the crate.
The theory is based on an early period in which we got Test Center like messages about how our loyalty was affected, plus or minus, and that early on if a person canceled a quest they were given a minus. So you should theoretically never cancel ... however, the theory regarding doing only one quest at a time, well, I'm not sure if that was ever tested during loyalty messages period. Although, for those whom have done a few hundred quests, they seem to believe it's better to do one at a time rather than have multiple quests at one time.

I don't think having multiple quests out at one time is creating a negative point situation but I wonder if it prevents someone from getting a quest based on new points balance ... or something. Not sure really. There's also the problem regarding dungeon fish quests, and how they factor into these theories, since people who farmed quests early might have been buffed up by dungeon quests, which could have gotten them to the higher tier quests sooner than those who started after the change that made you need 105+ skill to receive dungeon fish quests.