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Dominion Rules (PNP) need adapting to computer game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm working with a group that is creating our own RPG called "Born to Reign."

One hurdle we're facing is how to adapt a ruleset for the game. I picked "Dominion Rules" (Located here) after reading about it in a FAQ for Wizards of the Coast's D20. The licenses for OGL & GSL were unsatisfactory to me so I read up about Dominion's license. http://dominionrules.org/storage/DRL.pdf

We have several google docs not related to Dominion and I also have the text (sans illustrations found in the manual provided by them) in separate google docs. Not being a PnP player, I can't make heads or tails of what I'm reading.

Sorry if this is the wrong spot for posting this issue, but we need help.
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