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Does UOA work with the new 2D client?


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And if so, is there anything specific we need to do to make sure UOA launches the new 2D client and not the older 2D client? I'm downloading the new client as we speak but fear when it's completed and I launch UOA, it will still be bonded with the old cilent.

I'm also wondering about the GREAT "importing macros" feature. I'm hearing it is bugged and doesn't work. Any feedback on this? Recreating macros for 2 accounts will take up my play time for a day! heeee hehe

Thanks! :)

JC the Builder

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UOAssist does not work with the Stygian Abyss client. There is no word on whether Tugsoft will update it to work.

Tina Small

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The brand-new Stygian Abyss client (aka the "Enhanced Client") does not work in conjunction with UO Assist.

Chrissay is going to post a link sometime today for you to be able to download a special version of the older 2d client (aka the "Classic Client") that will let you access the Retribution shard for the open beta. Until she does that, no one can really tell you whether or not UOAssist will work with that particular version of the client and if so, how to make it happen.

Patience, grasshopper!! (Beta testers are just as anxious as you because we can't log in either and don't know if the shard's been wiped. LOL )


There is no new 2d client, it's the new SA client. As already stated, UOAssist doesn't work with (or yet) the new client.

Importing macros when you first load up SA wasn't bad. What you will have to do is relog the keystrokes for them. I'd say do import them, as it's very easy to see what your old macro's were. Hopefully, your finger memory will work, and if not you get the opportunity to make them more efficient or easier to get to. They are also very easy to delete from the new SA. I didn't loose any when I imported.

And you might find you'd rather have the macro on the hotbar instead of on a keystroke... I moved my pet control macros (stay, follow, etc) on my NON-TAMER toons, to the hotbar instead of the keystroke (which was alt-A, etc).


Seasoned Veteran
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Hey Guys and Gals!

Thanks for the feedbackthus far. I appreciate the efforts to allow us to use UOA with the new client/content. I know I'm not alone is saying I would be lost without my UOA macros and abilities.

How about the importing macros option? Has anybody had success or failures with this awesome idea!?

Waiting Patiently ;),



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Stratics Legend
There is no new 2d client, it's the new SA client. As already stated, UOAssist doesn't work with (or yet) the new client.
I'm not sure, but I think the client being referred to may be the 2d client that must be downloaded for the beta if you do not want to use the "enhanced" client. I'm not sure if that falls under NDA territory still...


It is possible to get UOA to work with the 2d beta client. You have to change 2 settings.

If you do not have UOA check for updates every time it is run you need to do a forced update.

There are 2 spots there where you can put in user defined paths. Change the one towards to top to point to the 2d beta clients client.exe.

The 2nd place you need to have uoa settings point to the exact same place but you have to use the user defined option(even though it points to the same place.)

After changing those 2 options i was able to get UOA to work with the beta client. I have no clue if it 100% compatible or not, but we shall see from testing.


UOA will work with the new 2D client (SA Classic client) and NOT the SA Enhanced client ... except:
When the patcher screen is up, click the Settings button and point it to the SA2D client path
SA content items will NOT be seen as resources or whatever.
You will also have some problems using dress/undress with Gargoyles as part of the toon uses slots UOA thinks are clothing.