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Does the pet's INT affect Spellweaving? Such as damage on WoD?

Pa Pa Pooey

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does the pet's INT affect Spellweaving? Such as damage on WoD? Thanks in advance! I have searched forums and google, cant seem to find the answer.


Stratics Veteran
I have several spell casting pets and necro's and mage's seem to get the sdi bonus from intel, however my spellweaving ones do not seem to get any sdi bonus from int. However there is strange things with spellweaving pets damage(both phys ansd spell) , it jumps up for short durations, however i not sure where the bonus is coming from.


Stratics Veteran
that's from when they are casting empowerment .. it has some amazing perks on pets =^-^=
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