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[Treasure Hunting] Does blowing up the chest trap destroy items ?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Failing to pick the treasure chest's lock equals to items which can be destroyed by gas escaping from the chest or stolen by a Grubber.

How about not removing the trap using the remove trap skill but instead blowing it up with telekinesis or simply opening the trapped chest ?

Does that also destroy items inside the chest as when failing to pick the lock ?

I could find no literature on this, anyone has info ?

Thanks !

pacific cruiser

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
nope it does not I use telekenises all the time. make sure your far enough away from chest , other wise you will end up dead

Venora Rhyse

Stratics Veteran
If you have problems with chests that get hidden under tree's that you can't see when you walk to a safe distance, do the following: use the telekinesis spell and use your "Last Target" macro (or icon if in Enhanced Client).


Crazed Zealot
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No, it does not.
And I don't bother with telekinesis either. Most damage I took so far from the explosion with 70 fire resist was 90, which is not enough to kill my t-hunter.
Why bother walking away to cast a spell if the max damage you will take won't kill you?
I just use my greater heal macro after that while I right click the only interesting stuff out of the chest grid.