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(Player Event) Does anyone remember Enchanted Squares?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I'm getting that itch to try again.

I asked a friend from the Legends shard if she was interested in a shard vs shard match of Enchanted Squares. There may be a team assembling. I obviously need to ask here as well. Would anyone participate in this? I don't think I will do prizes with this, just bragging rights for the shard.

We can elect a team captain and vote on a team robe color.

I would like to see if the EMs could get involved as officials and come up with some kind of trophy/cup that would get passed to the winning shard. I can dream. If not, we can make our own.

For those who do not know the game it is basically like playing a random "connect four" game. Team sizes do not matter (I'd like to at least see four people interested before moving on). It's a no skill game that can be played with a brand new character. It is more fun than it sounds, well I think so anyway.

Just throwing this out there. If there is interest I will proceed with planning.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
With the new UO content revealed for the upcoming months I think it's a miss with the timing. I'll go back into hiding for awhile and possibly bring this up again down the road.