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Does anyone know this story?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Everyone!

I've been going through some of the UO player written books that I've managed to grab over the many years I've played.

One of them really interested me and I thought maybe it might be the basis for a story line, but I need to find someone who might know more about it. I really hate jumping into someone's established story line and making random changes without at least trying to find out who started it!

Anyhow, the book is titled "An Ancient Journal", doesn't say who it's written by.

It'an journal about some mysterious artifact that this person and a group found. The person who wrote the journal is the only survivor from the entire group. As the journal goes on, the person gets more and more odd, starts hearing things, his health started to decline, he starts losing his fingernails, and he decides he has to get rid of it.

He is told by people to go to Umbra and to find a wizard that could help him get rid of the artifact. He goes there and finds a high level Necromancer named Lurothar (this is the only name actually in the book).

Lurothar told him that the artifact was what was causing his health issues, and that he, Lurothar, would take the artifact from him dispose of it and give him a map should he ever want to find it again.

The person never dug the artifact back up and seemed to get better after getting rid of it, but still heard voices.

Anyhow, I found the story interesting, and thought it might be fun to see where it could lead, considering we have a really active mage group that might be interested in the information.

Anyone know the story, or know where I can find more information?

I did do a stratics and google search on "Lurothar", but I don't know if that's an NPC name or a player name.


Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I have a copy of it too Dramora, got it from you and have fun some searches as well coming up blank. Like you I would be hesitant to use anothers plotline without permission. Too bad, it is a cool book.