I've been playing UO since 1999, so of course I am well used to the old client and all of its quirks and, believe it or not, advantages. They're all something you take for granted as time goes on. After being away for a few years I just came back about a month ago, and every now and then I give KR - and now the SA client - another try, thinking, I must just be stubborn and set in my ways, all I ever hear are rave reviews from my friends about these things. But no matter the eye candy and the ability to use hot keys - which are really nice - I can't get past the clunkiness of some of the more important features. These are things which I feel I could never get used to, no matter how long I play with it, especially not knowing the old client had better solutions.
For example, I took my archer to kill some lizardmen for quick spined leather today. It should have been an easy thing. I can enter the dungeon, kill, skin, fill my pack with about 350 skins, and be out in under 3 minutes. On the old client. On the new client, the experience was closer to this:
Enter combat mode outside dungeon. Enter dungeon. Why am I not still in combat mode? Whatever, go back into combat mode. Kill a pile of lizardmen. Use hotkey to use butcher's war cleaver on corpses. Hmm, some are piled up. What? I can't hold my ctrl-shift and use the hot key at the same time? Okay, fine, I'll try to guess. Click. Click. CLICK. So is that one skinned, or not? I can't even tell which ones of these I've looted! Not close enough, what? The tag is right next to me! Forget it, I'll find another pile of lizardmen. Kill new pile of lizardmen. Getting full, the skins are on the corpse now, have to loot them by hand. Hmm, I must have missed skinning this one. Skin. Click corpse again. Click. Click. CLICK. Why is it not refreshing? About ten minutes later, I leave, my pack still not even yet full, in frustration, go to open the door of my house, and get dismounted from my ethereal unicorn. Again. For the fourth time today. Because you can't click through ethereal steeds on the new clients. And why is it so hard to drop things on the ground? It IS still a tile-based game, is it not?
Edit: Another really useful thing that was changed: being able to drop stuff from the corpse onto the tag over your head (the one that comes up when you hold ctrl-shift.) The only alternatives I can see are dragging it to the bag in the corner or the bag on your paperdoll (I wouldn't want to try to drag onto the physical person, as it usually fails and ends up back on the ground, slowing me down even further) and both of those are a much slower alternative.
The whole experience makes me want to pull my hair out every time I use it. I know it can't be 100% that I'm just used to the old client, because my husband, who started about a month ago, has these same issues with looting. When we play together, he's assigned to looting gold (which should be a simple job, wouldn't you think?) and I get the items, and many times (I'd say at least half, sometimes close to 2/3rds of the time) we'll have the next pile of baddies bearing down on us and he still hasn't taken the gold, and there I am staring at it in the corpse, before I finally grab it myself so we can turn our attention back to the battle. It only gets worse as the corpses pile up. This seems like a major drawback to me. Looting is very often a time-sensitive thing, needing to grab the loot and either get out or get on to the next fight without having to worry about whether the tags are lined up over the correct corpse (and being able to just click on the freshest corpse by the text that came up over it as it fell was really really handy!) or being close enough when it APPEARS to be right next to you, or not giving you any messages, fail or otherwise, as to whether you're doing it right. And closing each of the corpses by the small bar over the top of each? Am I the only one who, in a hurry, liked just being able to right-click anywhere on it and it's gone?
So in closing, do you use the new client? Do you experience these issues, or am I missing some sort of setting that would eliminate or improve them? Did you just get used to the quirks after a while? I'd love to use these nicer clients with what conveniences they do offer, but as of right now, I wouldn't use it for anything but crafting.
For example, I took my archer to kill some lizardmen for quick spined leather today. It should have been an easy thing. I can enter the dungeon, kill, skin, fill my pack with about 350 skins, and be out in under 3 minutes. On the old client. On the new client, the experience was closer to this:
Enter combat mode outside dungeon. Enter dungeon. Why am I not still in combat mode? Whatever, go back into combat mode. Kill a pile of lizardmen. Use hotkey to use butcher's war cleaver on corpses. Hmm, some are piled up. What? I can't hold my ctrl-shift and use the hot key at the same time? Okay, fine, I'll try to guess. Click. Click. CLICK. So is that one skinned, or not? I can't even tell which ones of these I've looted! Not close enough, what? The tag is right next to me! Forget it, I'll find another pile of lizardmen. Kill new pile of lizardmen. Getting full, the skins are on the corpse now, have to loot them by hand. Hmm, I must have missed skinning this one. Skin. Click corpse again. Click. Click. CLICK. Why is it not refreshing? About ten minutes later, I leave, my pack still not even yet full, in frustration, go to open the door of my house, and get dismounted from my ethereal unicorn. Again. For the fourth time today. Because you can't click through ethereal steeds on the new clients. And why is it so hard to drop things on the ground? It IS still a tile-based game, is it not?
Edit: Another really useful thing that was changed: being able to drop stuff from the corpse onto the tag over your head (the one that comes up when you hold ctrl-shift.) The only alternatives I can see are dragging it to the bag in the corner or the bag on your paperdoll (I wouldn't want to try to drag onto the physical person, as it usually fails and ends up back on the ground, slowing me down even further) and both of those are a much slower alternative.
The whole experience makes me want to pull my hair out every time I use it. I know it can't be 100% that I'm just used to the old client, because my husband, who started about a month ago, has these same issues with looting. When we play together, he's assigned to looting gold (which should be a simple job, wouldn't you think?) and I get the items, and many times (I'd say at least half, sometimes close to 2/3rds of the time) we'll have the next pile of baddies bearing down on us and he still hasn't taken the gold, and there I am staring at it in the corpse, before I finally grab it myself so we can turn our attention back to the battle. It only gets worse as the corpses pile up. This seems like a major drawback to me. Looting is very often a time-sensitive thing, needing to grab the loot and either get out or get on to the next fight without having to worry about whether the tags are lined up over the correct corpse (and being able to just click on the freshest corpse by the text that came up over it as it fell was really really handy!) or being close enough when it APPEARS to be right next to you, or not giving you any messages, fail or otherwise, as to whether you're doing it right. And closing each of the corpses by the small bar over the top of each? Am I the only one who, in a hurry, liked just being able to right-click anywhere on it and it's gone?
So in closing, do you use the new client? Do you experience these issues, or am I missing some sort of setting that would eliminate or improve them? Did you just get used to the quirks after a while? I'd love to use these nicer clients with what conveniences they do offer, but as of right now, I wouldn't use it for anything but crafting.