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Do you think Stygian Abyss will ever be produced?

  • Thread starter imported_MoonglowMerchant
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


If no why?

If yes, for KR only or 2d too?


I guess they will try to release an expansion, but as the old developers left and they blundered saying SA will be 2d only, easiest way is to make an expansion and make it for 2d too with a different name.

imported_Lord Kynd

it would have to be for both clients or they will alienate alot of the playerbase.
and they have already tried to force stuff like this on us, remember 3rd dawn ? special areas only 3d users could access.. then it changed


Yes, but will they eat crow and say SA will be for 2d too?
Better to rename it and say it is for both clients.

That is if they get a team together forth at and uo numbers are not too low for an expansion. My estimate would be that if uo has less than 50.000 accounts an expansion would not be viable anymore, so I think it will be made.



If no why?

If yes, for KR only or 2d too?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. For KR only. Because KR is better than 2D. Don't kill uo by hanging onto the 2D client. Switch to KR. ohhh, that's right you can't use those pvp cheat programs with KR..... so sad. I'll never pvp unless there's just a KR client.

My estimates has UO at 125k subscriptions
and will grow to 225k when they improve KR a bit more.



ohhh, that's right you can't use those pvp cheat programs with KR..... so sad. I'll never pvp unless there's just a KR client..

[/ QUOTE ]

And yes, that's EXACTLY why people use 2D and not KR.. I mean, cheating/scripting in KR is just TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

/roll eyes

Sorry, but this excuse and others like it used by KR supporters is getting REALLY old. KR may be the future for UO, but a lot of people don't like it for LEGIT reasons, such as personal preference.

When KR is worth playing and fits *MY* play style and suits *MY* tastes, I'll play it. Not a minute before. And should they force us into KR, I'll quit the game, and come back when *I* think it's ready. Not a minute before.

No malice. No angst. No fanboi'ism here. KR just isn't for me at this time.


Hope you are right and if ea buys me a new computer I play UO with KR, else I stay with 2d for now.


I think it is almost finished, but I think the devs ran into the problem that KR is having massive problems and therefore they can't release it until KR is solid. Which means it could be quite a while.



Hope you are right and if ea buys me a new computer I play UO with KR, else I stay with 2d for now.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm using a 7 year old computer and it runs perfectly with KR. Why do you need a new computer?

I did replace the graphics card 4 years ago...maybe that's what made the difference.




ohhh, that's right you can't use those pvp cheat programs with KR..... so sad. I'll never pvp unless there's just a KR client..

[/ QUOTE ]

When KR is worth playing and fits *MY* play style and suits *MY* tastes, I'll play it. Not a minute before. And should they force us into KR, I'll quit the game, and come back when *I* think it's ready. Not a minute before.

[/ QUOTE ]

One word: Adapt.


Last time my ati 9200 did not like KR too well, ground looked strange.

Also having a browser open and/or word slows my computer more down than with 2d alone.

I am quite happy with 2d, throw money at me and I change, else ....



Last time my ati 9200 did not like KR too well, ground looked strange.

Also having a browser open and/or word slows my computer more down than with 2d alone.

I am quite happy with 2d, throw money at me and I change, else ....

[/ QUOTE ]

Buy a 75 dollar used computer on ebay. Problem solved. Keep your old monitor.

The ground looks strange so you're computer doesn't work? Srange. KR doesn't work with microsoft word? Just don't use word. Problem solved.




If no why?

If yes, for KR only or 2d too?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. For KR only. Because KR is better than 2D. Don't kill uo by hanging onto the 2D client. Switch to KR. ohhh, that's right you can't use those pvp cheat programs with KR..... so sad. I'll never pvp unless there's just a KR client.

My estimates has UO at 125k subscriptions
and will grow to 225k when they improve KR a bit more.

[/ QUOTE ]
You can't target very well in KR for PvP. Almost the entire PvP population, what's left of it, will quit if it was KR only. No PvP = No UO

BTW the speed hack programs do work with KR.


I am not that addicted that I jump through hoops to play the game.
If KR is good people will use it.
I will not for whatever my reasons and i said before pay me and I use it else accept that I won't at the moment.






If no why?

If yes, for KR only or 2d too?

[/ QUOTE ]

Almost the entire PvP population, what's left of it, will quit if it was KR only.

[/ QUOTE ]

WOOT! In other words, the cheaters will quit. Sounds like a good deal to me.


Ialso have not bought a regular expansion since AOS, thinking them all pretty useless.
Though bought 8 age once for the soulstone, so I doubt I will buy the next expansion anyway.


Firstly let's assume that EAMythic actually intend to continue to support UO in any real way into the future, a fact that I am far from convinced is the case, and I hope my gut feel is way off here.
However, ok UO stays, then yes I believe SA will be produced, tho not until the KR client is complete as a fully operational, stable and reliable client.
I also believe SA will be produced for the KR client only and further, I think that at the time SA or any other expansion is released for UO, the 2d client will cease to be.
In fact, I seriously doubt that the 2D client will continue to be supported in any real way, other than compatibility with patches and publishes designed primarily for KR, for much longer at all.
Given that the vast majority of devs/artists/programmers etc that have had any experience at all on the 2d client are no longer with UO, I doubt many resources, either time or money, will be used to train a new dev team on the old outdated code.
If EAMythic's intention is to fully support 2d alongside KR into future Expansion packs etc, why would so much effort have already been put into KR to make it as "user friendly" to 2d players as there has been? Why bother with a 2d graphics interface for KR if there was always going to be a choice of two clients?
The effort to make KR as acceptable to current 2d players as possible by adding as much of the 2d feel to it as possible, which in itself costs time and money, only makes sense if at some point KR becomes the only client.

*shrugs* Only my opinion, of course, but time will tell, yes?






If no why?

If yes, for KR only or 2d too?

[/ QUOTE ]

Almost the entire PvP population, what's left of it, will quit if it was KR only.

[/ QUOTE ]

WOOT! In other words, the cheaters will quit. Sounds like a good deal to me.

[/ QUOTE ]I understand why you would say this, but let me say something. I had a dozen friends that used to play UO with me. Every one of them has left this game to play WOW because the PVP in UO became so unbalanced and limited to a couple viable PVP templates. Please don't underestimate the value of the PVPer's because I think you'll find that the decline is UO mirrors the loss of the PVP crowd. All popular online games that I can think of have an important PVP component to them.


UOSA or not , We need a solid expansion to come out.


I think it will, eventually
But whether or not they're going to make it KR only, is anyone's guess.
I have a feeling they will, to try and drum up more support for UOKR





ohhh, that's right you can't use those pvp cheat programs with KR..... so sad. I'll never pvp unless there's just a KR client..

[/ QUOTE ]

When KR is worth playing and fits *MY* play style and suits *MY* tastes, I'll play it. Not a minute before. And should they force us into KR, I'll quit the game, and come back when *I* think it's ready. Not a minute before.

[/ QUOTE ]

One word: Adapt.

[/ QUOTE ]

One Word: NO.

I think you're beating the good Doctor for rabid, illogical, egotistical My-Way-Is-The-ONLY-Way KR fanaticism. You're telling me I have to "adapt" my TASTE? Piss off.

I don't have to "adapt" what I like. My tastes don't have to change because of YOUR opinion.

I like the way 2D looks - It's the way it looked when I bought it, fell in love with it, and played it for 4 years before I took a break from it, and then came BACK to it.

I like that it doesn't eat up resources when I have it open, and I can keep ICQ, AIM, and a few web browsers and maybe a movie going without dropping to 2 FPS.

This isn't something that's forced. You, nor EA can MAKE someone like something. They either do or they don't, and they'll vote with their dollars. If it's ever forced, no problem, I'll just simply go elsewhere.

But I DO like the new interface, customizable, with key binding. I DO like the new built in map (though the mini one needs a lot of work). I DO like the zoom functionality.

I DON'T like the Art. I DON'T like the performance... Which leads me to..


I'm using a 7 year old computer and it runs perfectly with KR. Why do you need a new computer?

I did replace the graphics card 4 years ago...maybe that's what made the difference.

[/ QUOTE ]

Either I call bullocks, or you and I have different opinions of running "perfectly".

I have a 3-4 year old system, so probably a similarly aged graphics card (GeForce 6600, PCI-E too). I can run at a decent clip so long as there's no housing, no players,a few monsters, and nothing else on my computer is running.. After that it all slows down, not to an "unplayable" level, per say, but certainly far from "Perfect".

Like everything else with the Gamebryo engine, it doesn't take full advantage of graphics cards -it mostly eats up CPU cycles and memory. A seven year old processor (What? AMD Athlon (original), PII or PIII?) couldn't conceivably run that at a "pefect" rate.

So again, either you'll accept lower performance, or you're flat out lying.. Or you've got some wicked programming skills that could put Microsoft programmers to shame. Oh, wait.. Are you somehow running this on Linux?



My estimates has UO at 125k subscriptions and will grow to 225k when they improve KR a bit more.

[/ QUOTE ]
You know, I actually believe you are serious. The innocence of naivety.


I'm using a 7 year old computer and it runs perfectly with KR. Why do you need a new computer?

I did replace the graphics card 4 years ago...maybe that's what made the difference.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, thats just the thing with KR. Some can run it on a 7 year old computer but on the other hand you could buy a brand spanking state of the art job and it not run. Every system seems to behave differently with KR and it is the luck of the draw on many occassions whether your PC will run it at a playable level.


One word: Adapt.

[/ QUOTE ]
Twenty Five Words: Why? I'm the paying customer so I am entitled to take my custom elsewhere if I dont like the product. I dont HAVE to adapt.


WOOT! In other words, the cheaters will quit. Sounds like a good deal to me.

[/ QUOTE ]
Be careful what you wish for. If ALL the cheaters quit then UO will have a huge financial problem. The cheaters subscriptions are helping keep this game alive. Why else do you think EA ignores the problem? Simple. They dont want to lose a large part of their income.

EDIT: To answer the OP's question, no, I dont think SA will ever be released in its PLANNED form. It may come out as KR/2D compatible but only if UO in general recovers from the doldrums over the next 6-12 months.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I understand why you would say this, but let me say something. I had a dozen friends that used to play UO with me. Every one of them has left this game to play WOW because the PVP in UO became so unbalanced and <font color=blue>limited to a couple viable PVP templates.</font color=blue> <font color=red>Please don't underestimate the value of the PVPer's because I think you'll find that the decline is UO mirrors the loss of the PVP crowd. All popular online games that I can think of have an important PVP component to them.</font color=red>

[/ QUOTE ]

The blue quote would actually be wrong. There has never been an era ever, in which so many PvP templates have been viable. Unfortunatly what is missing, is the balance tweaking that is necessary to accomadate all these templates.

The red quote I have to agree with you fully. Evidence based on other games supports this point as well.

Unfortunatly, the PvP in UO is in a bad condition for several reasons. The development team has not given it enough attention in the last 7 years especially, regardless of what anyone says. There have been several times, sweeping changes were going to be made, and improvements, but for one reason or another, they were pulled, and forgotton about until the next Dev team were harrased. As a result, the system itself has bugs that have existed from day one of implementations. Secondly, any new bugs, have either been ignored, or simply hot fixed, as opposed to being properly adjusted.

Players attitudes have also done a lot to harm it, on both sides of the equation. Misinformed and uneducated players, will all too often cry 'Cheat' without any real understanding or knowledge of what exactly happened, or is happening. This has given Felucca an awful reputation - the cry about cheaters and scripters, is nothing new. The players who are actually cheating as well, have done absolutely nothing to help the game either. The attitude of 'well everyone else does it', absolutely sucks. Players like that have no right what so ever in my opinion, to have any kind of say about balanced PvP, or abusing anyone from trammel attempting to pvp. I alway consider these 'AoS Spawn pvpers' but if truth be told, there has/will always be players like this.

Until the development team do anything to improve and counter cheating, there is no hope at all for PvP ever improving. There is/was potential in this system for fantastic PvP, but it has been ignored for far too long, so I can completely understand why players would simply quit, or not even bother trying in the first place.






ohhh, that's right you can't use those pvp cheat programs with KR..... so sad. I'll never pvp unless there's just a KR client..

[/ QUOTE ]

When KR is worth playing and fits *MY* play style and suits *MY* tastes, I'll play it. Not a minute before. And should they force us into KR, I'll quit the game, and come back when *I* think it's ready. Not a minute before.

[/ QUOTE ]

One word: Adapt.

[/ QUOTE ]

So again, either you'll accept lower performance, or you're flat out lying.. Or you've got some wicked programming skills that could put Microsoft programmers to shame. Oh, wait.. Are you somehow running this on Linux?

[/ QUOTE ]







If no why?

If yes, for KR only or 2d too?

[/ QUOTE ]

Almost the entire PvP population, what's left of it, will quit if it was KR only.

[/ QUOTE ]

WOOT! In other words, the cheaters will quit. Sounds like a good deal to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do not cheat. Have fun with your pvm though, farming worthless items.


My predictions.

• SA by spring this year (April or May, I've moved that back, I thought it was gonna be February at first!!).

• 2d and KR compatible, with significant advantages for using KR. (2d gets crappy placeholder art; like remember how 2d Juka were at first little naked dudes, and 2d exodus minions were gazers? Also, maybe SA monsters will rely heavily on special moves, and in KR there'll be a warning graphic when they are about to pull the move.)

• The public suggestion that they are deeply tired of 2d, and that this is likely to be the last 2d expansion. (Whether or not they follow through on that shall be seen.)

I'd actually be OK with all this.

-Galen's player


I think with the poor uptake on KR that they've seen/mentioned so far, that any new expansion will support 2D as well. I think they may have finally come to the realization that's what their customers prefer. Who's to say though, after 6+ months of being 'released' the KR client still doesn't work right.

So yea, I think basically they'll take the concept they came up with for SA, revamp it to half-fit what the players want, and release it in a pretty buggy state for both clients. Basically on par with every other release they've had *grins*


Yewish News


One word: Adapt.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? Most of us who have stuck with 2d are NEVER going to cut across to KR, therefore EA will never ditch 2d, so I don't need to do a thing.



If no why?

If yes, for KR only or 2d too?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, sadly NO... I think SA is shelved and they are in "Fix major bugs when we get time" mode, cuz we're working on other projects... We "hope" to generate more revenues with...

and you realy want to know "Why?"

Well, IMO the subscriptions have dropped to an all time Low and it is no longer "Economicly Feasible" to do so (plan for another expansion).... It be more like "Economic suicide to take that kinda loss", in its presant condition, seems to me like no one is realy interested in this game anymore... and Players like me, are just "hoping" they figure it out someday...

If you want more of a "Why?", you'll have to ask...



it would have to be for both clients or they will alienate alot of the playerbase.
and they have already tried to force stuff like this on us, remember 3rd dawn ? special areas only 3d users could access.. then it changed

[/ QUOTE ]


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

One word: Adapt.

[/ QUOTE ]

Like Turd Dawn Client was going to make 2d obsolete



Yes. For KR only. Because KR is better than 2D. Don't kill uo by hanging onto the 2D client. Switch to KR. ohhh, that's right you can't use those pvp cheat programs with KR..... so sad. I'll never pvp unless there's just a KR client.

My estimates has UO at 125k subscriptions
and will grow to 225k when they improve KR a bit more.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously, what are you smoking? I want some if it makes you that delusional... unless the comment was in jest and I'm just daft. UO has 125k subs? I highly doubt it, and even if it were true, there are very few active players anymore and the numbers would purely be accounts people just haven't closed yet, but no longer play.

Unless major improvements are made to KR, I will not switch. I can't stand the feel of the client doing simple things such as running and fighting. Hell, even dragging items around is a major task. If they closed 2D without these changes being implemented, I would simply close my account and move on to something better.

Oh, and FYI, it won't be hard for someone to update a certain cheat program to work with KR. If you believe that KR is the savior from cheating, you're only fooling yourself.


I am thinking that it eventually will be... someday...

If it is, well I am hoping that it is for the 2D client also. Not that I do not like the KR client, just that I am the only one in my family that can use it. All of the systems we have run it so slow that it isnt really worth playing. Regardless of how they release it, time for the family to upgrade their systems


Of course it will be released. Don't be silly.

I think it will be KR only because it was designed from the ground up to be KR only. By making it KR only, the devs don't have their hands tied nearly as much in the kinds of content that they can produce. The tile-based map structure is dated and obsolete. If they make SA support tile-based maps, they will guaruntee slower performance and tie their hands when it comes to innovations in map designs.



Of course it will be released. Don't be silly.

I think it will be KR only because it was designed from the ground up to be KR only. By making it KR only, the devs don't have their hands tied nearly as much in the kinds of content that they can produce. The tile-based map structure is dated and obsolete. If they make SA support tile-based maps, they will guaruntee slower performance and tie their hands when it comes to innovations in map designs.

[/ QUOTE ]If it is for KR only, and KR continues as it currently is, I will very likely, after almost 7 years, leave the game. I just don't want to be forced to play a client that is fuzzy and clunky.



Of course it will be released. Don't be silly.

[/ QUOTE ]

We have asked representatives of EA on these boards directly about the release of SA. They have not responded. That tells me that it has either been cancelled or they are deciding whether to cancel it or not. If it was a go, it would be easy to say so. Their silence says everything.


I think it will be KR only because it was designed from the ground up to be KR only. By making it KR only, the devs don't have their hands tied nearly as much in the kinds of content that they can produce. The tile-based map structure is dated and obsolete. If they make SA support tile-based maps, they will guaruntee slower performance and tie their hands when it comes to innovations in map designs.

[/ QUOTE ]

If they do push ahead, it will be an awfully big risk to develop an expansion exclusively for a client that only a few hundred people actually use. Of course, good decisions seem to be in short supply at EA.


This would be a great opportunity for the devs to stand up and be honest with the player base. IF SA is going to be for KR only they should say so. If they are willing to put off SA until KR is finished, they should say so even if it means us waiting another year.

Honesty is the BEST policy.

Fayled Dhreams


We have asked representatives of EA on these boards directly about the release of SA. They have not responded. That tells me that it has either been cancelled or they are deciding whether to cancel it or not. If it was a go, it would be easy to say so. Their silence says everything.

[/ QUOTE ]

No ... your ASSUMPTION is based on their silence ...


If they do push ahead, it will be an awfully big risk to develop an expansion exclusively for a client that only a few hundred people actually use. Of course, good decisions seem to be in short supply at EA.

[/ QUOTE ]

Depends on how Near the "done" part IS ... ie ... it is known that quite a bit has already been done ... for that matter ... it is unknown whether or not it IS ready now ... and awaiting some final polish to the CLIENT ... which IS "in the pipes" ieie: silence + current unknowns = Today ...


your post count is going up ...
THAT is something positive

(Well stated Sarphus .../signs)



your post count is going up ...
THAT is something positive

[/ QUOTE ]

Look who's talking , lol

Opps mine went up too


If they were anywhere near polish they would show screenshots - some games even have concept art ....

I think we are still months away from a release - summer to fall I guess if they make an expansion at all.




New areas in SA accessible by KR only, items usable in 2d via placeholders for upgraded accounts.

At least if they want to keep and/or regain credibility, this is how they will do it.

An LBR style retraction will pretty much signal the end of the game in terms of progress and lend a LOT of credence to the "life support" argument.


But a KR only expansion will cut their profits and that is not so good for a company that has 'problems'.



Why because a few whiners will quit because they aren't being given everything in 10 year old technology?

I guess they could "play it safe" as let the game continue the inevitable slide it is in currently due to lack of innovation, or they could get KR working better, develop SA to take full advantage of Gamebryo's advancements, get some shelf presence again and may, just maybe get some new blood into the game.

Personally, after being given the line they've already given us and seeing them do the same thing 7 years ago with the 3d client and LBR, I'm very much against another backpedal. Keep to the line and move the game forward... or watch it shrink from year to year as people leave and houses become more and more sparse.

(I also understand that these problems go much further than the SA expansion)

Fayled Dhreams


If they were anywhere near polish they would show screenshots - some games even have concept art ....

I think we are still months away from a release - summer to fall I guess if they make an expansion at all.

[/ QUOTE ]
screenies ... wouldn't be much of anything ...
A) they already DID release some concept art ...(and, cathat mentioned nearly getting lost in the dungeon/s)
B) UO2 ... UX:O did too ...

just saying ...PROOF in whatever form

hard to come by in the hall

wanna bet?

On what ???
The hall, will, in any case:
love/hate, accept/quit, create/destroy ... etc etc etc etc etc ....

= no change, no resolution ..


As far as I understood EA is a stock company and has to improve profits.
Explain your shareholder you sell less copies of a game because you look ahead and in the future they may make more maybe ....

Problem is how many people will they lose if SA is KR only and even more important how many will join.
Is a big gamble for UO, though not a big loss for EA if it does not work.


We can only speculate anyway.
And Cathat is an artist, those are known to get lost in cardboxes when they look for a brush.


Only a few hundred ppl play KR because KR isn't sufficiently done yet. It would be silly to release SA with KR being as it is now. That's a given.

KR has been growing by leaps and bounds EVERY expansion, though and the devs have given us interesting event content to chew on while we wait for the next expansion.

The last KR patch made the KR client a LOT more useable than it was prior to that patch. It's still not in common use yet and those that use it often don't use it for everything (I certainly don't), but the patch was still a landmark. Progress is being made and as long as progress continues to be made, I think pessimism is foolish. The devs told us SA is coming... They haven't told us it's NOT coming, so to speculate that SA isn't coming because the devs are finalizing their plans for the next year of UO is premature and needlessly pessimistic.

I realize that pessimism is common on Uhall and I realize that EA has historically failed to deliver. I think other Uhall posters need to realize that the devs have been doing better as of late even though they missed their goal. They're still making progress and taking feedback where the KR client falls short.

I think it's a given that the devs can't release SA until KR is a viable alternative to 2d. I also think it's a given that the devs will continue to patch 2d heavily as resources permit until KR is a superior client to 2d in every way.

Currently, I only use the KR client for things where it out-performs the 2d client. This is a very short list, so I mostly use the 2d client. I remain optimistic because I've seen a lot of progress since beta and I believe the devs to have a plan.


I would have to say NO.

The reason is that EA won't release an expansion the same year they shut down the game.

The proof of this will be seen shortly.(starting with the next event)

I have thoroughly enjoyed my UO experience; but this cow is out of milk.