I know this is going to get moved but something needs to be done about greaters and dreads. What is someone going to do against 5 tamers with greaters two with dreads and number of mages para ganking while the tamers are dismounters? This is the story of the shard i'm from
Isn't enough that magic resist does nothing at all and that one necro mage can kill a warrior with 120 resist all 70's corpse proof with 150 hp in under two seconds? Beetles and mares are not good? Even fire steeds can be used to stand block people, foxes?, show some luv to the reps so that they can actually do some dmg? BUT FOR GODS SAKE PvP sux with people ridin dreads and greaters everywhere, not to mention we can't even get dreads anymore so those guys all have the upper hand. Why does a horse have so much power anyways? Why can that horse eat a rep alive? Why doesn't the reps fire breath do dmg like a dreads?
Bah I say get rid of them so tired of getting para ganked by 5 tamers with greaters.
Isn't enough that magic resist does nothing at all and that one necro mage can kill a warrior with 120 resist all 70's corpse proof with 150 hp in under two seconds? Beetles and mares are not good? Even fire steeds can be used to stand block people, foxes?, show some luv to the reps so that they can actually do some dmg? BUT FOR GODS SAKE PvP sux with people ridin dreads and greaters everywhere, not to mention we can't even get dreads anymore so those guys all have the upper hand. Why does a horse have so much power anyways? Why can that horse eat a rep alive? Why doesn't the reps fire breath do dmg like a dreads?
Bah I say get rid of them so tired of getting para ganked by 5 tamers with greaters.