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[Fishing] Do not give up on 120 powerscroll!

  • Thread starter Potato Soup
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

Potato Soup

I initially started doing fishmonger quests when they came out and was discouraged quickly and stopped. About 5 days ago I was talking to a guildmate and she showed me the ins and outs of doing the quests. She allowed me to utilize her fish stocks and I started grinding quests. 5 days later I got my 120. Along the way I got (1) 115...(11) 110...(8) 105 and of course tons of baits and fishing equipment. I also got the elusive book #5. Keep grinding and it should pay off.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The last publish made it a bit easier to get PS with the more points for crabs and lobsters. :)


Stratics Veteran
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Grats to you bud. I have been stocking up to do this very thing. Friend gave me a 105 scroll when i bought expansion. Im ready to grind the rest out now..


Seasoned Veteran
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Too bad they screwed up the Mongers recognizing your boats in the new publish...

One Step forward.... Two steps back...

Not attempting any quests until they fix the boat issue..


Crazed Zealot
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guess its time to get back into this.
i dont have the patience of you guys when fishing up crabs/lobsters


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It took me a while to get a 105.
When I was at 104.9, I got a 110 PS from a quest.
Between 105 & 110, I got about 6 more 105s and 4 110s.
When I was 109.6, I got a 120 PS from a quest.

I'm still battling back from the "feature" where the dungeon fish start counting towards the additional line calculations of the quests (and starts doing so before you start getting dungeon fish quests). I finally started getting 5 & 6 line quests (while still occasionally getting 1 & 2 liners, and most still being 3 & 4) this week.

Wed. night, out of 8 quests, I got 3 105 scrolls and 1 110. I'm almost able to bind up some 110s to make a 115 for a friend.


5 day's to 120 scroll - wowzy - nice friend with the fish provisions :thumbsup:


For the not so fast & furious fishers:

Don't give up on the 110 powerscroll either !!! :p

A 135 point order with 30 crustaceans counting as 2 each :heart: yielded my first 110 from Zann "the naked gargy guy" fish monger :) .... Ima not a power fisher compared to some posters, but dedicated. Had been rewarded 4 105's in the past which was prior to the point count fix on the crabs and lobsters. :drool:


It took me a while to get a 105.
When I was at 104.9, I got a 110 PS from a quest.
Between 105 & 110, I got about 6 more 105s and 4 110s.
When I was 109.6, I got a 120 PS from a quest.

I'm still battling back from the "feature" where the dungeon fish start counting towards the additional line calculations of the quests (and starts doing so before you start getting dungeon fish quests). I finally started getting 5 & 6 line quests (while still occasionally getting 1 & 2 liners, and most still being 3 & 4) this week.

Wed. night, out of 8 quests, I got 3 105 scrolls and 1 110. I'm almost able to bind up some 110s to make a 115 for a friend.

Is the aforementioned "feature" still a feature? ..... "where the dungeon fish start counting towards the additional line calculations of the quests (and starts doing so before you start getting dungeon fish quests)." Ima get past 105.0 today !


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It probably is (but not 100% sure), because the few times we've tried bringing it up with the devs, we've heard nothing.

Based on what Mark said on how the quests work, the chance of getting a two-line quest is the percentage of fish types you've completed one quest for, times some other number (as it doesn't appear to be a 100% chance). The chance to go from 2 to 3 lines, etc. works in a similar manner.

The "undocumented feature" apparently takes the Dungeon fish into account in the equation a little early, but either way, at one point between 100 & 106, the number of fish in the equation increases by 12 (the number of dungeon fish types), making near 100% chances drop by 2/9 (X/42 versus X/54)
For trying to get a 6-line, that's an initial (.777)^5 blip, or an over 70% drop in your chance to get a 6-liner, if you'd already completed at least 3 quests of all of the original 42 (shallow/deep/crustacean), once it starts counting all 54.

It typically takes about 50-60 quests with at least one dungeon fish, to get back to where 4-6 line quests become common again, and probably over 100 such quests for 5 & 6 lines to become dominant again, just from the basic probabilities (and said probabilities probably mean the actual number of quests will be double this, with half of them having NO dungeon fish).

Potato Soup

Just an update to all my fellow fishers. Since my last post I have gotten 2 more 120's. Once again I say to all just keep grinding and it will happen.

Petra Fyde

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I have 120 on Siege, still working on getting the scroll on Europa.