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Do ML (Peerless) ingredients come from treasure hunting or fishing ?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Have you ever found either from treasure hunting chests or from fishing ML (Peerless) ingredients like Blight, Corruption, Muculent, Putrefaction, Scourge and Taint ?
If so, from where and in what quantities on average ?

Thanks for the info !


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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You can get those by stealing from Exodus Zealots in Exodus dungeon, but the drop rate is REAL low.
When you manage to steal them, you will steal 2 of one random ingredient.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can get those by stealing from Exodus Zealots in Exodus dungeon, but the drop rate is REAL low.
When you manage to steal them, you will steal 2 of one random ingredient.
Thanks, like how low ?

I mean, is it a viable way to build up a stock or is it just a waste of time ?

Also, can one repeatedly steal from the same zealot multiple times or once they drop the zealot has to be killed and a new one to spawn ?

How hard are they to be killed ? Suggestions for a good thief template to farm them if this is even possible unless the drop is really way too much rare ?

Would you consider this way to get the ingredients viable as compared to getting the keys and killing the peerless bosses or there is no comparison ?

Thanks for the info !!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Way, way too low.
And each zealot can only be stolen from once. And they will de-spawn a few minutes after being stolen from.