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Do all strongbox Quests have the same chance at loot ?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a wide variety of strongbox Quest Chains in the game that provide items in the end (for example the Minotaur one or the one in Sanctuary but there are others.....).

The Quests are not all the same. Some require to gather materials, some to kill named monsters and so forth.

Bottom line is, not all Quests have the same difficulty nor take the same time to run them.

So comes my question, is the probability chance at a good quality loot the same among them even though they do not have the same difficulty and do not take the same time to be done ?

That is, are all stronboxes handed out to players by the Quest givers at the end of the chains made equal ?

If so, is there like a comparative chart that lists what Quest may take less time to run making it a better option for the same type loot ?



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wounders do you play game?? if so cant you try out?? if all things become know or equalized, what point doing some of them!!!!!! me thinks you dont play havnt in years, gets entertainment messing peeps here !!!!!!!!!!

There is a wide variety of strongbox Quest Chains in the game that provide items in the end (for example the Minotaur one or the one in Sanctuary but there are others.....).

The Quests are not all the same. Some require to gather materials, some to kill named monsters and so forth.

Bottom line is, not all Quests have the same difficulty nor take the same time to run them.

So comes my question, is the probability chance at a good quality loot the same among them even though they do not have the same difficulty and do not take the same time to be done ?

That is, are all stronboxes handed out to players by the Quest givers at the end of the chains made equal ?

If so, is there like a comparative chart that lists what Quest may take less time to run making it a better option for the same type loot ?


Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Popps, try some quests and come up with your own answer. What I think is decent loot may be utter garbage in someone else's eyes. Petra recently added a lot of information about quests to the Stratics site. Should make a good starting point for you to do your own investigation and draw your own conclusions instead of asking for and then quibbling over the responses you're going to get from others.


Look for the "Mondains Legacy Quests" heading and then check out the links below it, especially those under the "Monster Slaying" heading.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Popps, try some quests and come up with your own answer. What I think is decent loot may be utter garbage in someone else's eyes. Petra recently added a lot of information about quests to the Stratics site. Should make a good starting point for you to do your own investigation and draw your own conclusions instead of asking for and then quibbling over the responses you're going to get from others.


Look for the "Mondains Legacy Quests" heading and then check out the links below it, especially those under the "Monster Slaying" heading.

Well, some players simply do not have that much time handy for their gaming.

Life claims hours, daily, for work, family, study, eating, sleeping, friends, telephone and all that.

Unfortunately, one has to fit a whole lot of stuff in the 24 hours a day has.....

It's just a game, afterall, and real life take precedence without a doubt, at least for me.

Checking up on all of the Strongbox quests can claim a whole lot of time, especially if one is not experienced in running them.

Therefore, I would imagine, asking other fellow players who have experienced one or two of them over time may cut down on these training times and allow a much better use of the little time one can allocate for the game....

But maybe I did not word my question well, I apologize.

I wanted to ask if all strongbox Quests are made equal, lootwise.

That is, if one does the Minotaur or the Dalid's Quest, for example, in the end, luck aside, the chances of loot are just the same because all strongboxes fall within the same category, as far as programming goes ?

Or are there differences ?

If all strongboxes are made equal, then which Quest would be shorter to run ?

This is the question I was trying to ask to those who are more experienced in doing these type of Quests.

Lastly, by searching the Forums, I found a reference that wearing high Luck helps with the strongbox contents quality.
Question is, when is the strongbox generated by the game engine ? When the last monster is killed or when one interrogates the Quest giver and the strongbox appears in one's own backpack ? I do not mean generate as spawn in a player's backpack, I mean created by the game engine even if put on hold until it is claimed by the player asking the quest giver.

The difference is not marginal, because luck suits have low resists and wearing them in fight, especially in the environments of the Quests with a lot of side spawn can spell for trouble. Putting them on after all fights ended and right before claiming the strongbox from the Quest givers, instead, would allow better fighting without giving up the chance of a better loot.
Anyone knows or has ever tried this ?

Anyone willing to help ?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Short answers:
The strongbox loot is all the same in intensity (60-100%, 1-5 mods).
Rumor has it that luck helps, but there has been no official word on the subject.
Other rumor has it that luck doesn't help, but I can't find any word on that matter either.
Luck would only matter (if it matters - I have sent the question to FoF a few times) at the claiming stage of the process, so you wouldn't have to wear your lucky suit throughout the questing, only when you get your reward. (the game has no way of telling when you finish the quest, but can tell when you claim the reward, so that's when the loot is determined)
The fastest quests are either Sanctuary or Minotaur, and the time-per-box is approximately the same for both (I had a race one night with a stealthy friend, and we came out about the same in rewards).

Other strongbox quests take longer to complete and are more difficult (i.e. my favorite is the Citadel quest from Acob in Sanctuary, "New Leadership"), but offer the same loot.

The best way to learn the quests is by doing them. It helps to have a guide through the first time, and afterward you can go crazy. I prefer to learn it all myself, but that's the kind of player I am.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Damn Popps, whats up with all the A$$holes responding to your post. Thats jacked up. To answer your question, all loot is the same spread amongst Strongbox quests. Luck has no effect on the loot contained within. Luck is only based upon killing a monster and the loot generated on said monster. Here is the link for information re-guarding luck.


If you read the fourth black bullet, it pretty much spells it out in black and white.

p.s. learn to do the sanctuary quest. Once you get good at it you can run it in about 5mins or less.


agreed with op. sanctuary quest for the win.

while it appears daunting a good necro sw mage with a repond slayer book and good knowledge of the underground rat tunnels can knock that quest out in no time at all. i routinely solo it.

good loot from the cook too. i've nailed some awesome (peerless quality) jewelry and some smoking weapons.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
^ agreed...sanctuary quest atleast for me is the best one to run. I run it with a stealth/ninja archer and also my necro mage both run the whole quest in about 5-10 min depending on spawn. Get some good stuff outta there sometimes.


Got over a thousand boxes, Freelsy is spot on re:loot and luck.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you spent as much time gaming as you do making threads like this one, you wouldn't have to ask

Well, free time is sometimes a scarcity and not always one may have the time to learn about something on one's own.....

Unfortunately, sometimes games are a time sink but not necessarily one that plays them may have all of the time needed to learn everything....

The day is only made out of 24 hours and considering 8 hours for work, 2 for commuting back and forth from work, 7 to sleep, 2 to shop for food and house stuff and for cooking plus 2 hours for family/friends/telephone social relationships or physical exercise, 1 hour for reading/study and an hour for random extra stuff, not much time might be left daily to devote to "learn" all of the various aspects of a complex and much varied online game........


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you spent as much time gaming as you do making threads like this one, you wouldn't have to ask
And if you would have simply answered his question or even not bothered to repond to it WE wouldn't have had to listen to you being a punk.... perhaps try being helpful, but specifically responding to someone to basically say "Your question SUX" is lame..



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you spent as much time gaming as you do making threads like this one, you wouldn't have to ask
And if you would have simply answered his question or even not bothered to repond to it WE wouldn't have had to listen to you being a punk.... perhaps try being helpful, but specifically responding to someone to basically say "Your question SUX" is lame..

I second this


If you spent as much time gaming as you do making threads like this one, you wouldn't have to ask
And if you would have simply answered his question or even not bothered to repond to it WE wouldn't have had to listen to you being a punk.... perhaps try being helpful, but specifically responding to someone to basically say "Your question SUX" is lame..

I second this
I third it!


If you spent as much time gaming as you do making threads like this one, you wouldn't have to ask
And if you would have simply answered his question or even not bothered to repond to it WE wouldn't have had to listen to you being a punk.... perhaps try being helpful, but specifically responding to someone to basically say "Your question SUX" is lame..

I second this
I third it!
Point taken, my apologies.