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dissabled folks


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
isnt it funny how we work all are lives and get no respect ?

up to 10 years ago i worked 30 years of my life from usher to a casino manager , i served 12 years og army national guard and cant get any bennys because i had to serve 24 years but they removed all us big boned people lol , i had 3 heartattacks 10 years ago and was put on dissability ive also had 6 strokes (small ones) that has efected my counting and spelling and some memory loss , what respect do i get none ., i was makeing 936 dollars 10 years ago when i was diagnosed with a large heart and a heart mur mur since then i was also diagnoticed with type 2 diabeties , its effecting my eyes and my legs alsways have blisters on them now i was told i may have cancer in my testies (havent got the results back yet) anyways i started out at 936 a month to now 830 dollars a month thanks to are great presedent and arnold ex governer of california ., what [pisses me off we can help 3rd world contries but we cant even help are selves what a shame . what happens when we die , we get creamated and tossed in a urn and cemented in a wall ,
we cant even have a decent barial .

i hope when i die someone in uo barries me in brit cemetary trammel side near another great vet brian blackstone he also served and was treated like crap , anyways i have alot more but i need to take a breath , ty all for your time , god bless